I had a CR1000 program that ran perfectly with several sensors ( an air pressure sensor, a thermohygrometer, two raingauges three IR120 surface thermal camera).
I needed to add four radiations sensors with a scanrate (5sec) faster than the initial scanrate (30sec). So I created another scanrate (5 sec) and putted the slower one (30 sec) in a Slowsequence except raingauges measurements instructions since we cannot put pulse measurements in a slow sequence.
All measurements are going well except the IR120 for which I get NANS.
Here is the CR Basic code of the CR1000 datalogger (OSv31)
'Variables and Table definitions ' Time and filename variables Public Outstat As Boolean Public Outstat2 As Boolean Public Lastfilename As String *50 Public Lastfilename2 As String *50 Public Lastfiletime As String *50 Public Lastfiletime2 As String *50 Public Newfilename As String *50 Public Newfilename2 As String *50 Public timearray(7) As String Public timearray2(7) As String Public Desiredtime As String *50 Public Desiredtime2 As String *50 'Vaisala HMD 30 YB variables Public HMD_TempAir : Units HMD_TempAir = deg_C Public HMD_RHair : Units HMD_RHair = % 'Rainfall variables Public RainPM3029 : Units RainPM3029 = mm Const RainPM3029_mult = 0.2 Public RainARG100 : Units RainARG100 = mm Const RainARG100_mult = 0.20354 'Young 61302V variables Const Elevation = 140 '105 metres au sol + 35 metres pour la tour Dim BP_Poll As String,CR2 As String Dim BP_raw As String Dim BP_string As String Public Pression : Units Pression = hPa Public PressionkPa : Units PressionkPa = kPa 'IR120 variables et recuperation de TempAir temp du profil a 37m Dim Coeff_A(3), Coeff_B(3), Coeff_C(3), Coeff_X(3), Coeff_Y(3), Coeff_Z(3) Const Emissivity = 0.94 'Emissivity of forest surface Const Film = 0.79 'film IR transmission (camera window) Dim IR120i Public BR_Res(3) 'The Measured Bridge Resistance Public IRSensor_Resis(3) 'Thermistor Resistance Public IRSensorCan_Temp(3) 'Thermistor Temperature in Celsius Public IRSensor_Volt(3) 'The Measured Thermopile Voltage Public IRSensor_Volt_TC(3) 'The Measured Thermopile Voltage – Temp Compensated Public IRSensor_E(3) 'Energy Difference Public IRSensor_T4(3) 'Black body surface temp to the power 4 Public IRSensor_T(3) 'Black body surface temp in Kelvin – Uncorrected Public IRTFilm_T4(3) 'Temp after the film correction to the power 4 Public IRTemp(3) 'Corrected Surface Temperatures in Celsius Alias IRTemp(1) = IRTemp_E1178 : Units IRTemp_E1178 = deg_C Alias IRTemp(2) = IRTemp_E1179 : Units IRTemp_E1179 = deg_C Alias IRTemp(3) = IRTemp_E1180 : Units IRTemp_E1180 = deg_C Dim TCPOpen_var Public ResultCode Public TempAir_37m : Units TempAir_37m = deg_C 'Thygan VTP37 variables Public stringDewpoint As String *8 Public rawdataDewpoint As String *65 Const Comportdewpoint=Com2 Const CR1=CHR(13) 'caracteres retour chariot nouvelle ligne Public VTP37_TempAir : Units VTP37_TempAir = deg_C Public VTP37_DewPoint : Units VTP37_DewPoint = deg_C Public VTP37_RHair : Units VTP37_RHair = % Public VTP37_HouseTemp : Units VTP37_HouseTemp = deg_C 'Thermocouple profil 37m variable Public TempFiltre37m : Units TempFiltre37m = deg_C Public Ptemp 'Public Variables for LI190 PAR sensors Dim PPFD_BC_mult(4) Const LI190_1_sens = 242.05'242.04 'sn 121825 Const LI190_2_sens = 237.20'237.32 'sn 121826 Const LI190_3_sens = 247.11'247.10 'sn 121827 Const LI190_4_sens = 255.89'255.74 'sn 121828 Dim i Public PPFD_BC_IU(4) : Units PPFD_BC_IU = mV Alias PPFD_BC_IU(1) = PPFD_BC_IN_IU_1_1_3 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(2) = PPFD_BC_OUT_IU_1_1_2 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(3) = PPFD_BC_IN_IU_1_1_4 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(4) = PPFD_BC_OUT_IU_1_1_3 Public PPFD_BC(4) : Units PPFD_BC = micromol m-2 s-1 Alias PPFD_BC(1) = PPFD_BC_IN_1_1_3 Alias PPFD_BC(2) = PPFD_BC_OUT_1_1_2 Alias PPFD_BC(3) = PPFD_BC_IN_1_1_4 Alias PPFD_BC(4) = PPFD_BC_OUT_1_1_3 'Definition of DataTables DataTable(FRFonTS01,True,-1) TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS01.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat,Lastfilename) Sample (1,TimeStamps,String) Sample (1,VTP37_TempAir,IEEE4) FieldNames("TA_1_1_2") Sample (1,VTP37_RHair,IEEE4) FieldNames("RH_1_1_2") Sample (1,PressionkPa, IEEE4) FieldNames("PA_1_1_1") Totalize(1,RainARG100,IEEE4,False) FieldNames("P_2_1_1") Totalize(1,RainPM3029,IEEE4,False) FieldNames("P_2_1_2") EndTable DataTable(FRFonTS02,True,-1) TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS02.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat2,Lastfilename2) Sample (1,TimeStamps,String) Sample (4,PPFD_BC_IU(),IEEE4) Sample (4,PPFD_BC(),IEEE4) EndTable DataTable(PPFD_GBOV,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average(4,PPFD_BC(),IEEE4,False) EndTable DataTable(Meteo,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average (1,HMD_RHair,IEEE4,False) Average (1,HMD_TempAir,IEEE4,False) Average (1,VTP37_TempAir,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_DewPoint,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_RHair,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_HouseTemp,IEEE4, False) Sample (1,Pression,IEEE4) Totalize(1,RainPM3029,IEEE4,False) Totalize(1,RainARG100,IEEE4,False) EndTable DataTable(TempSurf,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average(1,IRTemp_E1178,IEEE4,False) Average(1,IRTemp_E1179,IEEE4,False) Average(1,IRTemp_E1180,IEEE4,False) EndTable 'SubRoutines Sub ICOSTimeFormat Public TimeStamps As String *17 Public rTime(9) Public YYYY As String *4 Public MM As String *2 Public DD As String *2 Public hh As String *2 Public mn As String *2 Public ss As String *2 RealTime(rTime) YYYY = rTime(1) 'forcage du zero devant l'unite a un chiffre (ex quand 8 --> 08) If rTime(2)<10 Then MM ="0"&rTime(2) Else MM = rTime(2) If rTime(3)<10 Then DD ="0"&rTime(3) Else DD = rTime(3) If rTime(4)<10 Then hh ="0"&rTime(4) Else hh = rTime(4) If rTime(5)<10 Then mn ="0"&rTime(5) Else mn = rTime(5) If rTime(6)<10 Then ss ="0"&rTime(6) Else ss = rTime(6) TimeStamps = YYYY&MM&DD&hh&mn&ss EndSub 'Subroutine Aquisition dewpoint Sub Ask_ThyganVTP37 Public SplitResultDewpoint(9) As String *(13) SerialOpen (Comportdewpoint,2400,0,0,100) 'demande d'envoi d'une mesure SerialOut (Comportdewpoint,stringDewpoint,CR1,0,100) 'recuperation de la mesure SerialIn (rawdataDewpoint,Comportdewpoint,1000,0,100) 'Extraction informations temperature AIR, DEWpoint mesure SplitStr (SplitResultDewpoint(1),rawdataDewpoint,",",9,5) 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_TempAir,SplitResultDewpoint(3),"",1,0) VTP37_TempAir=VTP37_TempAir/100.00 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_DewPoint,SplitResultDewpoint(4),"",1,0) VTP37_DewPoint=VTP37_DewPoint/100.00 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_RHair,SplitResultDewpoint(5),"",1,0) VTP37_RHair=VTP37_RHair/100.00'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_HouseTemp,SplitResultDewpoint(6),"",1,0) VTP37_HouseTemp=VTP37_HouseTemp/100.00 SerialFlush (Comportdewpoint) SerialClose (Comportdewpoint) EndSub SequentialMode 'Main Program BeginProg SetStatus("USRDriveSize",1500000) 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1178 Coeff_A(1) = 9.395021E-4 Coeff_B(1) = 2.196992E-4 Coeff_C(1) = 1.373611E-7 Coeff_X(1) = 8.146919E-6 Coeff_Y(1) = 3.686217E-1 Coeff_Z(1) = 3.810169E-1 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1179 Coeff_A(2) = 9.471630E-4 Coeff_B(2) = 2.187062E-4 Coeff_C(2) = 1.432039E-7 Coeff_X(2) = 9.616962E-6 Coeff_Y(2) = 3.663519E-1 Coeff_Z(2) = 2.592757E-1 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1180 Coeff_A(3) = 9.481884E-4 Coeff_B(3) = 2.181001E-4 Coeff_C(3) = 1.390689E-7 Coeff_X(3) = 7.853477E-6 Coeff_Y(3) = 3.653387E-1 Coeff_Z(3) = 4.211229E-1 'Thygan VTP37 initialisation stringDewpoint="A98Q1308"+CR1 'Load the multipliers values for the LI190 sensors PPFD_BC_mult(1) = LI190_1_sens PPFD_BC_mult(2) = LI190_2_sens PPFD_BC_mult(3) = LI190_3_sens PPFD_BC_mult(4) = LI190_4_sens Scan(5,Sec,1,0) 'Mesure des deux capteurs sur le bornier de la CR310 a partir de la DIFF2 VoltDiff(PPFD_BC_IU(1),2,mV25,6,True,0,50,1,0) VoltSe(PPFD_BC_IU(3),2,mV25,15,True,0,50,1,0) For i = 1 To 4 PPFD_BC(i) = PPFD_BC_IU(i)*PPFD_BC_mult(i) + 0 Next 'Precis Mecanique 3029/2 WMO rainfall sensor and ARG100 sn86224 raingauge PulseCount(RainPM3029,1,1,2,0,RainPM3029_mult,0) PulseCount(RainARG100,1,2,2,0,RainARG100_mult,0) 'Configuration du TimeStamps selon ICOS format YYYYMMDDhhmmss Call ICOSTimeFormat 'Appel des tables CallTable(FRFonTS02) CallTable(Meteo) CallTable(PPFD_GBOV) 'File timing If Outstat2 Then Lastfiletime2 = FRFonTS02.Timestamp(3,5) SplitStr(timearray2(),Lastfiletime2,"",6,0) Desiredtime2 = timearray2(3)&timearray2(2)&timearray2(1) Newfilename2 = "USR:FR-Fon_BM_"+Desiredtime2+"_L03_F02.dat" FileRename(Lastfilename2,Newfilename2) EndIf NextScan SlowSequence Scan(30,Sec,1,0) 'Vaisala HMD 30 YB humidity and temperature sensor VoltSe(HMD_RHair,1,mV2500,1,False,0,_50Hz,0.1,0) VoltSe(HMD_TempAir,1,mV2500,2,False,0,_50Hz,0.1,-20) '61302V barometric sensor '*** 61302V Sensor Polling Variables *** 'Configure ComPort 1 for use with the 61302V SerialOpen (Com1,9600,0,0,1000) BP_Poll = "M0!" CR2 = CHR(13) 'Poll 61302V Sensor SerialFlush (Com1) 'Clear buffer before polling for a new measurement SerialOut (Com1,BP_Poll,"",0,100) 'Send sensor poll command SerialIn (BP_raw,Com1,100,CR2,100) 'Receive sensor response SplitStr (BP_string,BP_raw,"",1,0) 'Parse out BP value Pression = BP_string 'Convert ASCII to numeric value PressionkPa = Pression/10 'IR120 radiothermometers (x3) 'Measure the IR120 Body Temperature '---------------------------------- 'Measure the thermistor using a half bridge by applying a negative 'excitation voltage of -2.5V 'Note that switching the bridge excitation is set to FALSE. 'no settling time because short cable BrHalf(BR_Res(1),1,mV2500,3,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) BrHalf(BR_Res(2),1,mV2500,5,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) BrHalf(BR_Res(3),1,mV2500,7,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) 'Measure the IR120 Infrared Temperature '-------------------------------------- 'Measure the infrared temperature using a half bridge instruction 'Note that switching the bridge excitation is set to FALSE. 'Use 75 ms settling time, to allow amplified signal to settle 'The multiplier is used to correct the ratiometric output to mV ExciteV(Vx1,2500,0) Delay(0,75,mSec) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(1),1,mV250,4,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) ExciteV(Vx1,2500,0) Delay(0,75,mSec) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(2),1,mV250,6,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) ExciteV(Vx1,2500,0) Delay(0,75,mSec) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(3),1,mV250,8,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) TCPOpen_var = TCPOpen("",6785,0) GetVariables (ResultCode,TCPOpen_var,0,4,0,0,"Public","TempAir_37m",TempAir_37m,1) For IR120i = 1 To 3 Step 1 'Multiply the ratio of measured voltage by a constant appropriate to the thermistor IRSensor_Resis(IR120i) = 77020 * (BR_Res(IR120i) / (1 - BR_Res(IR120i))) 'Using Steinhart-hart, apply the calibration coefficients to arrive at a body temperature in Celsius IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) = 1 / (Coeff_A(IR120i) + Coeff_B(IR120i) * LN(IRSensor_Resis(IR120i)) + Coeff_C(IR120i) * (LN(IRSensor_Resis(IR120i)))^3) - 273.15 'Apply temperature compensation IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i) = IRSensor_Volt(IR120i) * 1.0004 ^(IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) - 25) 'Apply coefficients IRSensor_E(IR120i) = Coeff_X(IR120i) * IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i)^2 + Coeff_Y(IR120i) * IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i) + Coeff_Z(IR120i) 'Add difference to absolute energy from the sensor body IRSensor_T4(IR120i) = (IRSensor_E(IR120i) / 5.67E-8) + ((IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) + 273.15)^4) 'Resolve for remote surface temperature in Kelvin – NOTE this is the 'UNCORRECTED value IRSensor_T(IR120i) = (IRSensor_T4^0.25) - 273.15 'Correct for the effects of the high infrared transmission film IRTFilm_T4(IR120i) = ((IRSensor_T4(IR120i) - ((TempAir_37m + 273.15)^4 * (1 - Film))) / Film) 'Combine with the corrrection for Emissivity and Convert to Celsius IRTemp(IR120i) = ((IRTFilm_T4(IR120i)-((TempAir_37m + 273.15)^4*(1-Emissivity)))/Emissivity)^0.25 - 273.15 Next 'Thygan VTP37 dew point Thermo-Hygrometer If IfTime (0,1,Min) Then Ask_ThyganVTP37 'Thermocouple type T du filtre profil 37m PanelTemp(Ptemp,_50Hz) TCDiff(TempFiltre37m,1,mV25C,5,TypeT,Ptemp,True ,0,_50Hz,1.0,0) 'Configuration du Timestamps selon ICOS format YYYYMMDDhhmmss Call ICOSTimeFormat 'Call Data Tables and Store Data CallTable(FRFonTS01) CallTable(Meteo) CallTable(TempSurf) 'File timing If Outstat Then Lastfiletime = FRFonTS01.Timestamp(3,5) SplitStr(timearray(),Lastfiletime,"",6,0) Desiredtime = timearray(3)&timearray(2)&timearray(1) Newfilename = "USR:FR-Fon_BM_"+Desiredtime+"_L03_F01.dat" FileRename(Lastfilename,Newfilename) EndIf NextScan EndProg
and the first one (original one), before adding the radiation sensors :
'Variables and Table definitions ' Time and filename variables Public Outstat As Boolean Public Outstat2 As Boolean Public Lastfilename As String *50 Public Lastfilename2 As String *50 Public Lastfiletime As String *50 Public Lastfiletime2 As String *50 Public Newfilename As String *50 Public Newfilename2 As String *50 Public timearray(7) As String Public timearray2(7) As String Public Desiredtime As String *50 Public Desiredtime2 As String *50 'Vaisala HMD 30 YB variables Public HMD_TempAir : Units HMD_TempAir = deg_C Public HMD_RHair : Units HMD_RHair = % 'Rainfall variables Public RainPM3029 : Units RainPM3029 = mm Const RainPM3029_mult = 0.2 Public RainARG100 : Units RainARG100 = mm Const RainARG100_mult = 0.20354 'Young 61302V variables Const Elevation = 140 '105 metres au sol + 35 metres pour la tour Dim BP_Poll As String,CR2 As String Dim BP_raw As String Dim BP_string As String Public Pression : Units Pression = hPa Public PressionkPa : Units PressionkPa = kPa 'IR120 variables et recuperation de TempAir temp du profil a 37m Dim Coeff_A(3), Coeff_B(3), Coeff_C(3), Coeff_X(3), Coeff_Y(3), Coeff_Z(3) Const Emissivity = 0.94 'Emissivity of forest surface Const Film = 0.79 'film IR transmission (camera window) Dim IR120i Public BR_Res(3) 'The Measured Bridge Resistance Public IRSensor_Resis(3) 'Thermistor Resistance Public IRSensorCan_Temp(3) 'Thermistor Temperature in Celsius Public IRSensor_Volt(3) 'The Measured Thermopile Voltage Public IRSensor_Volt_TC(3) 'The Measured Thermopile Voltage – Temp Compensated Public IRSensor_E(3) 'Energy Difference Public IRSensor_T4(3) 'Black body surface temp to the power 4 Public IRSensor_T(3) 'Black body surface temp in Kelvin – Uncorrected Public IRTFilm_T4(3) 'Temp after the film correction to the power 4 Public IRTemp(3) 'Corrected Surface Temperatures in Celsius Alias IRTemp(1) = IRTemp_E1178 : Units IRTemp_E1178 = deg_C Alias IRTemp(2) = IRTemp_E1179 : Units IRTemp_E1179 = deg_C Alias IRTemp(3) = IRTemp_E1180 : Units IRTemp_E1180 = deg_C Dim TCPOpen_var Public ResultCode Public TempAir_37m : Units TempAir_37m = deg_C 'Thygan VTP37 variables Public stringDewpoint As String *8 Public rawdataDewpoint As String *65 Const Comportdewpoint=Com2 Const CR1=CHR(13) 'caracteres retour chariot nouvelle ligne Public VTP37_TempAir : Units VTP37_TempAir = deg_C Public VTP37_DewPoint : Units VTP37_DewPoint = deg_C Public VTP37_RHair : Units VTP37_RHair = % Public VTP37_HouseTemp : Units VTP37_HouseTemp = deg_C 'Thermocouple profil 37m variable Public TempFiltre37m : Units TempFiltre37m = deg_C Public Ptemp 'Public Variables for LI190 PAR sensors Dim PPFD_BC_mult(4) Const LI190_1_sens = 242.05'242.04 'sn 121825 Const LI190_2_sens = 237.20'237.32 'sn 121826 Const LI190_3_sens = 247.11'247.10 'sn 121827 Const LI190_4_sens = 255.89'255.74 'sn 121828 Dim i Public PPFD_BC_IU(4) : Units PPFD_BC_IU = mV Alias PPFD_BC_IU(1) = PPFD_BC_IN_IU_1_1_3 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(2) = PPFD_BC_OUT_IU_1_1_2 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(3) = PPFD_BC_IN_IU_1_1_4 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(4) = PPFD_BC_OUT_IU_1_1_3 Public PPFD_BC(4) : Units PPFD_BC = micromol m-2 s-1 Alias PPFD_BC(1) = PPFD_BC_IN_1_1_3 Alias PPFD_BC(2) = PPFD_BC_OUT_1_1_2 Alias PPFD_BC(3) = PPFD_BC_IN_1_1_4 Alias PPFD_BC(4) = PPFD_BC_OUT_1_1_3 'Definition of DataTables DataTable(FRFonTS01,True,-1) TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS01.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat,Lastfilename) Sample (1,TimeStamps,String) Sample (1,VTP37_TempAir,IEEE4) FieldNames("TA_1_1_2") Sample (1,VTP37_RHair,IEEE4) FieldNames("RH_1_1_2") Sample (1,PressionkPa, IEEE4) FieldNames("PA_1_1_1") Totalize(1,RainARG100,IEEE4,False) FieldNames("P_2_1_1") Totalize(1,RainPM3029,IEEE4,False) FieldNames("P_2_1_2") EndTable DataTable(FRFonTS02,True,-1) TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS02.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat2,Lastfilename2) Sample (1,TimeStamps,String) Sample (4,PPFD_BC_IU(),IEEE4) Sample (4,PPFD_BC(),IEEE4) EndTable DataTable(PPFD_GBOV,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average(4,PPFD_BC(),IEEE4,False) EndTable DataTable(Meteo,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average (1,HMD_RHair,IEEE4,False) Average (1,HMD_TempAir,IEEE4,False) Average (1,VTP37_TempAir,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_DewPoint,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_RHair,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_HouseTemp,IEEE4, False) Sample (1,Pression,IEEE4) Totalize(1,RainPM3029,IEEE4,False) Totalize(1,RainARG100,IEEE4,False) EndTable DataTable(TempSurf,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average(1,IRTemp_E1178,IEEE4,False) Average(1,IRTemp_E1179,IEEE4,False) Average(1,IRTemp_E1180,IEEE4,False) EndTable 'SubRoutines Sub ICOSTimeFormat Public TimeStamps As String *17 Public rTime(9) Public YYYY As String *4 Public MM As String *2 Public DD As String *2 Public hh As String *2 Public mn As String *2 Public ss As String *2 RealTime(rTime) YYYY = rTime(1) 'forcage du zero devant l'unite a un chiffre (ex quand 8 --> 08) If rTime(2)<10 Then MM ="0"&rTime(2) Else MM = rTime(2) If rTime(3)<10 Then DD ="0"&rTime(3) Else DD = rTime(3) If rTime(4)<10 Then hh ="0"&rTime(4) Else hh = rTime(4) If rTime(5)<10 Then mn ="0"&rTime(5) Else mn = rTime(5) If rTime(6)<10 Then ss ="0"&rTime(6) Else ss = rTime(6) TimeStamps = YYYY&MM&DD&hh&mn&ss EndSub 'Subroutine Aquisition dewpoint Sub Ask_ThyganVTP37 Public SplitResultDewpoint(9) As String *(13) SerialOpen (Comportdewpoint,2400,0,0,100) 'demande d'envoi d'une mesure SerialOut (Comportdewpoint,stringDewpoint,CR1,0,100) 'recuperation de la mesure SerialIn (rawdataDewpoint,Comportdewpoint,1000,0,100) 'Extraction informations temperature AIR, DEWpoint mesure SplitStr (SplitResultDewpoint(1),rawdataDewpoint,",",9,5) 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_TempAir,SplitResultDewpoint(3),"",1,0) VTP37_TempAir=VTP37_TempAir/100.00 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_DewPoint,SplitResultDewpoint(4),"",1,0) VTP37_DewPoint=VTP37_DewPoint/100.00 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_RHair,SplitResultDewpoint(5),"",1,0) VTP37_RHair=VTP37_RHair/100.00'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_HouseTemp,SplitResultDewpoint(6),"",1,0) VTP37_HouseTemp=VTP37_HouseTemp/100.00 SerialFlush (Comportdewpoint) SerialClose (Comportdewpoint) EndSub SequentialMode 'Main Program BeginProg SetStatus("USRDriveSize",1500000) 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1178 Coeff_A(1) = 9.395021E-4 Coeff_B(1) = 2.196992E-4 Coeff_C(1) = 1.373611E-7 Coeff_X(1) = 8.146919E-6 Coeff_Y(1) = 3.686217E-1 Coeff_Z(1) = 3.810169E-1 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1179 Coeff_A(2) = 9.471630E-4 Coeff_B(2) = 2.187062E-4 Coeff_C(2) = 1.432039E-7 Coeff_X(2) = 9.616962E-6 Coeff_Y(2) = 3.663519E-1 Coeff_Z(2) = 2.592757E-1 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1180 Coeff_A(3) = 9.481884E-4 Coeff_B(3) = 2.181001E-4 Coeff_C(3) = 1.390689E-7 Coeff_X(3) = 7.853477E-6 Coeff_Y(3) = 3.653387E-1 Coeff_Z(3) = 4.211229E-1 'Thygan VTP37 initialisation stringDewpoint="A98Q1308"+CR1 'Load the multipliers values for the LI190 sensors PPFD_BC_mult(1) = LI190_1_sens PPFD_BC_mult(2) = LI190_2_sens PPFD_BC_mult(3) = LI190_3_sens PPFD_BC_mult(4) = LI190_4_sens Scan(5,Sec,1,0) 'Mesure des deux capteurs sur le bornier de la CR310 a partir de la DIFF2 VoltDiff(PPFD_BC_IU(1),2,mV25,6,True,0,50,1,0) VoltSe(PPFD_BC_IU(3),2,mV25,15,True,0,50,1,0) For i = 1 To 4 PPFD_BC(i) = PPFD_BC_IU(i)*PPFD_BC_mult(i) + 0 Next 'Precis Mecanique 3029/2 WMO rainfall sensor and ARG100 sn86224 raingauge PulseCount(RainPM3029,1,1,2,0,RainPM3029_mult,0) PulseCount(RainARG100,1,2,2,0,RainARG100_mult,0) 'Configuration du TimeStamps selon ICOS format YYYYMMDDhhmmss Call ICOSTimeFormat 'Appel des tables CallTable(FRFonTS02) CallTable(Meteo) CallTable(PPFD_GBOV) 'File timing If Outstat2 Then Lastfiletime2 = FRFonTS02.Timestamp(3,5) SplitStr(timearray2(),Lastfiletime2,"",6,0) Desiredtime2 = timearray2(3)&timearray2(2)&timearray2(1) Newfilename2 = "USR:FR-Fon_BM_"+Desiredtime2+"_L03_F02.dat" FileRename(Lastfilename2,Newfilename2) EndIf NextScan SlowSequence Scan(30,Sec,1,0) 'Vaisala HMD 30 YB humidity and temperature sensor VoltSe(HMD_RHair,1,mV2500,1,False,0,_50Hz,0.1,0) VoltSe(HMD_TempAir,1,mV2500,2,False,0,_50Hz,0.1,-20) '61302V barometric sensor '*** 61302V Sensor Polling Variables *** 'Configure ComPort 1 for use with the 61302V SerialOpen (Com1,9600,0,0,1000) BP_Poll = "M0!" CR2 = CHR(13) 'Poll 61302V Sensor SerialFlush (Com1) 'Clear buffer before polling for a new measurement SerialOut (Com1,BP_Poll,"",0,100) 'Send sensor poll command SerialIn (BP_raw,Com1,100,CR2,100) 'Receive sensor response SplitStr (BP_string,BP_raw,"",1,0) 'Parse out BP value Pression = BP_string 'Convert ASCII to numeric value PressionkPa = Pression/10 'IR120 radiothermometers (x3) 'Measure the IR120 Body Temperature '---------------------------------- 'Measure the thermistor using a half bridge by applying a negative 'excitation voltage of -2.5V 'Note that switching the bridge excitation is set to FALSE. 'no settling time because short cable BrHalf(BR_Res(1),1,mV2500,3,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) BrHalf(BR_Res(2),1,mV2500,5,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) BrHalf(BR_Res(3),1,mV2500,7,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) 'Measure the IR120 Infrared Temperature '-------------------------------------- 'Measure the infrared temperature using a half bridge instruction 'Note that switching the bridge excitation is set to FALSE. 'Use 75 ms settling time, to allow amplified signal to settle 'The multiplier is used to correct the ratiometric output to mV ExciteV(Vx1,2500,0) Delay(0,75,mSec) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(1),1,mV250,4,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) ExciteV(Vx1,2500,0) Delay(0,75,mSec) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(2),1,mV250,6,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) ExciteV(Vx1,2500,0) Delay(0,75,mSec) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(3),1,mV250,8,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) TCPOpen_var = TCPOpen("",6785,0) GetVariables (ResultCode,TCPOpen_var,0,4,0,0,"Public","TempAir_37m",TempAir_37m,1) For IR120i = 1 To 3 Step 1 'Multiply the ratio of measured voltage by a constant appropriate to the thermistor IRSensor_Resis(IR120i) = 77020 * (BR_Res(IR120i) / (1 - BR_Res(IR120i))) 'Using Steinhart-hart, apply the calibration coefficients to arrive at a body temperature in Celsius IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) = 1 / (Coeff_A(IR120i) + Coeff_B(IR120i) * LN(IRSensor_Resis(IR120i)) + Coeff_C(IR120i) * (LN(IRSensor_Resis(IR120i)))^3) - 273.15 'Apply temperature compensation IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i) = IRSensor_Volt(IR120i) * 1.0004 ^(IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) - 25) 'Apply coefficients IRSensor_E(IR120i) = Coeff_X(IR120i) * IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i)^2 + Coeff_Y(IR120i) * IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i) + Coeff_Z(IR120i) 'Add difference to absolute energy from the sensor body IRSensor_T4(IR120i) = (IRSensor_E(IR120i) / 5.67E-8) + ((IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) + 273.15)^4) 'Resolve for remote surface temperature in Kelvin – NOTE this is the 'UNCORRECTED value IRSensor_T(IR120i) = (IRSensor_T4^0.25) - 273.15 'Correct for the effects of the high infrared transmission film IRTFilm_T4(IR120i) = ((IRSensor_T4(IR120i) - ((TempAir_37m + 273.15)^4 * (1 - Film))) / Film) 'Combine with the corrrection for Emissivity and Convert to Celsius IRTemp(IR120i) = ((IRTFilm_T4(IR120i)-((TempAir_37m + 273.15)^4*(1-Emissivity)))/Emissivity)^0.25 - 273.15 Next 'Thygan VTP37 dew point Thermo-Hygrometer If IfTime (0,1,Min) Then Ask_ThyganVTP37 'Thermocouple type T du filtre profil 37m PanelTemp(Ptemp,_50Hz) TCDiff(TempFiltre37m,1,mV25C,5,TypeT,Ptemp,True ,0,_50Hz,1.0,0) 'Configuration du Timestamps selon ICOS format YYYYMMDDhhmmss Call ICOSTimeFormat 'Call Data Tables and Store Data CallTable(FRFonTS01) CallTable(Meteo) CallTable(TempSurf) 'File timing If Outstat Then Lastfiletime = FRFonTS01.Timestamp(3,5) SplitStr(timearray(),Lastfiletime,"",6,0) Desiredtime = timearray(3)&timearray(2)&timearray(1) Newfilename = "USR:FR-Fon_BM_"+Desiredtime+"_L03_F01.dat" FileRename(Lastfilename,Newfilename) EndIf NextScan EndProg
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
All the best,
And I invite you to look at the RTMC Pro monitoring webpage of our forest research station :
I think the answer is in this comment in the help about the ExciteV() delay parameter.
If the Delay is set to 0, the excitation channel will be enabled and the voltage will be held until the end of the program scan, until another instruction sets an excitation voltage, or until the instruction is interrupted by a measurement (this behavior of 0 delay is not applicable in a SlowSequence scan).
The power to the signal amplifier is being interrupted.
Regrouping measurements, using the delay parameter, and adding semaphores might fix it.
If the measurements still don't turn out correctly, the IR120 measurements would need to move to the main scan. Rewiring to allow use of repetitions could save about 200ms of measurement time if needed.
'Variables and Table definitions ' Time and filename variables Public Outstat As Boolean Public Outstat2 As Boolean Public Lastfilename As String *50 Public Lastfilename2 As String *50 Public Lastfiletime As String *50 Public Lastfiletime2 As String *50 Public Newfilename As String *50 Public Newfilename2 As String *50 Public timearray(7) As String Public timearray2(7) As String Public Desiredtime As String *50 Public Desiredtime2 As String *50 'Vaisala HMD 30 YB variables Public HMD_TempAir : Units HMD_TempAir = deg_C Public HMD_RHair : Units HMD_RHair = % 'Rainfall variables Public RainPM3029 : Units RainPM3029 = MM Const RainPM3029_mult = 0.2 Public RainARG100 : Units RainARG100 = MM Const RainARG100_mult = 0.20354 'Young 61302V variables Const Elevation = 140 '105 metres au sol + 35 metres pour la tour Dim BP_Poll As String,CR2 As String Dim BP_raw As String Dim BP_string As String Public Pression : Units Pression = hPa Public PressionkPa : Units PressionkPa = kPa 'IR120 variables et recuperation de TempAir temp du profil a 37m Dim Coeff_A(3), Coeff_B(3), Coeff_C(3), Coeff_X(3), Coeff_Y(3), Coeff_Z(3) Const Emissivity = 0.94 'Emissivity of forest surface Const Film = 0.79 'film IR transmission (camera window) Dim IR120i Public BR_Res(3) 'The Measured Bridge Resistance Public IRSensor_Resis(3) 'Thermistor Resistance Public IRSensorCan_Temp(3) 'Thermistor Temperature in Celsius Public IRSensor_Volt(3) 'The Measured Thermopile Voltage Public IRSensor_Volt_TC(3) 'The Measured Thermopile Voltage – Temp Compensated Public IRSensor_E(3) 'Energy Difference Public IRSensor_T4(3) 'Black body surface temp to the power 4 Public IRSensor_T(3) 'Black body surface temp in Kelvin – Uncorrected Public IRTFilm_T4(3) 'Temp after the film correction to the power 4 Public IRTemp(3) 'Corrected Surface Temperatures in Celsius Alias IRTemp(1) = IRTemp_E1178 : Units IRTemp_E1178 = deg_C Alias IRTemp(2) = IRTemp_E1179 : Units IRTemp_E1179 = deg_C Alias IRTemp(3) = IRTemp_E1180 : Units IRTemp_E1180 = deg_C Dim TCPOpen_var Public ResultCode Public TempAir_37m : Units TempAir_37m = deg_C 'Thygan VTP37 variables Public stringDewpoint As String *8 Public rawdataDewpoint As String *65 Const Comportdewpoint=Com2 Const CR1=CHR(13) 'caracteres retour chariot nouvelle ligne Public VTP37_TempAir : Units VTP37_TempAir = deg_C Public VTP37_DewPoint : Units VTP37_DewPoint = deg_C Public VTP37_RHair : Units VTP37_RHair = % Public VTP37_HouseTemp : Units VTP37_HouseTemp = deg_C 'Thermocouple profil 37m variable Public TempFiltre37m : Units TempFiltre37m = deg_C Public Ptemp 'Public Variables for LI190 PAR sensors Dim PPFD_BC_mult(4) Const LI190_1_sens = 242.05'242.04 'sn 121825 Const LI190_2_sens = 237.20'237.32 'sn 121826 Const LI190_3_sens = 247.11'247.10 'sn 121827 Const LI190_4_sens = 255.89'255.74 'sn 121828 Dim i Public PPFD_BC_IU(4) : Units PPFD_BC_IU = mV Alias PPFD_BC_IU(1) = PPFD_BC_IN_IU_1_1_3 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(2) = PPFD_BC_OUT_IU_1_1_2 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(3) = PPFD_BC_IN_IU_1_1_4 Alias PPFD_BC_IU(4) = PPFD_BC_OUT_IU_1_1_3 Public PPFD_BC(4) : Units PPFD_BC = micromol m-2 s-1 Alias PPFD_BC(1) = PPFD_BC_IN_1_1_3 Alias PPFD_BC(2) = PPFD_BC_OUT_1_1_2 Alias PPFD_BC(3) = PPFD_BC_IN_1_1_4 Alias PPFD_BC(4) = PPFD_BC_OUT_1_1_3 'Definition of DataTables DataTable(FRFonTS01,True,-1) TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS01.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat,Lastfilename) Sample (1,TimeStamps,String) Sample (1,VTP37_TempAir,IEEE4) FieldNames("TA_1_1_2") Sample (1,VTP37_RHair,IEEE4) FieldNames("RH_1_1_2") Sample (1,PressionkPa, IEEE4) FieldNames("PA_1_1_1") Totalize(1,RainARG100,IEEE4,False) FieldNames("P_2_1_1") Totalize(1,RainPM3029,IEEE4,False) FieldNames("P_2_1_2") EndTable DataTable(FRFonTS02,True,-1) TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS02.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat2,Lastfilename2) Sample (1,TimeStamps,String) Sample (4,PPFD_BC_IU(),IEEE4) Sample (4,PPFD_BC(),IEEE4) EndTable DataTable(PPFD_GBOV,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average(4,PPFD_BC(),IEEE4,False) EndTable DataTable(Meteo,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average (1,HMD_RHair,IEEE4,False) Average (1,HMD_TempAir,IEEE4,False) Average (1,VTP37_TempAir,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_DewPoint,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_RHair,IEEE4, False) Average (1,VTP37_HouseTemp,IEEE4, False) Sample (1,Pression,IEEE4) Totalize(1,RainPM3029,IEEE4,False) Totalize(1,RainARG100,IEEE4,False) EndTable DataTable(TempSurf,True,-1) DataInterval(0,30,Min,10) Average(1,IRTemp_E1178,IEEE4,False) Average(1,IRTemp_E1179,IEEE4,False) Average(1,IRTemp_E1180,IEEE4,False) EndTable 'SubRoutines Sub ICOSTimeFormat Public TimeStamps As String *17 Public rTime(9) Public YYYY As String *4 Public MM As String *2 Public DD As String *2 Public hh As String *2 Public mn As String *2 Public ss As String *2 RealTime(rTime) YYYY = rTime(1) 'forcage du zero devant l'unite a un chiffre (ex quand 8 --> 08) If rTime(2)<10 Then MM ="0"&rTime(2) Else MM = rTime(2) If rTime(3)<10 Then DD ="0"&rTime(3) Else DD = rTime(3) If rTime(4)<10 Then hh ="0"&rTime(4) Else hh = rTime(4) If rTime(5)<10 Then mn ="0"&rTime(5) Else mn = rTime(5) If rTime(6)<10 Then ss ="0"&rTime(6) Else ss = rTime(6) TimeStamps = YYYY&MM&DD&hh&mn&ss EndSub 'Subroutine Aquisition dewpoint Sub Ask_ThyganVTP37 Public SplitResultDewpoint(9) As String *(13) SerialOpen (Comportdewpoint,2400,0,0,100) 'demande d'envoi d'une mesure SerialOut (Comportdewpoint,stringDewpoint,CR1,0,100) 'recuperation de la mesure SerialIn (rawdataDewpoint,Comportdewpoint,1000,0,100) 'Extraction informations temperature AIR, DEWpoint mesure SplitStr (SplitResultDewpoint(1),rawdataDewpoint,",",9,5) 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_TempAir,SplitResultDewpoint(3),"",1,0) VTP37_TempAir=VTP37_TempAir/100.00 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_DewPoint,SplitResultDewpoint(4),"",1,0) VTP37_DewPoint=VTP37_DewPoint/100.00 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_RHair,SplitResultDewpoint(5),"",1,0) VTP37_RHair=VTP37_RHair/100.00'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 'conversion string en valeur numeric plus divison 100 SplitStr(VTP37_HouseTemp,SplitResultDewpoint(6),"",1,0) VTP37_HouseTemp=VTP37_HouseTemp/100.00 SerialFlush (Comportdewpoint) SerialClose (Comportdewpoint) EndSub SequentialMode 'Main Program BeginProg SetStatus("USRDriveSize",1500000) 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1178 Coeff_A(1) = 9.395021E-4 Coeff_B(1) = 2.196992E-4 Coeff_C(1) = 1.373611E-7 Coeff_X(1) = 8.146919E-6 Coeff_Y(1) = 3.686217E-1 Coeff_Z(1) = 3.810169E-1 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1179 Coeff_A(2) = 9.471630E-4 Coeff_B(2) = 2.187062E-4 Coeff_C(2) = 1.432039E-7 Coeff_X(2) = 9.616962E-6 Coeff_Y(2) = 3.663519E-1 Coeff_Z(2) = 2.592757E-1 'Load calibration coefficient for IR120 sn E1180 Coeff_A(3) = 9.481884E-4 Coeff_B(3) = 2.181001E-4 Coeff_C(3) = 1.390689E-7 Coeff_X(3) = 7.853477E-6 Coeff_Y(3) = 3.653387E-1 Coeff_Z(3) = 4.211229E-1 'Thygan VTP37 initialisation stringDewpoint="A98Q1308"+CR1 'Load the multipliers values for the LI190 sensors PPFD_BC_mult(1) = LI190_1_sens PPFD_BC_mult(2) = LI190_2_sens PPFD_BC_mult(3) = LI190_3_sens PPFD_BC_mult(4) = LI190_4_sens Scan(5,Sec,1,0) 'Mesure des deux capteurs sur le bornier de la CR310 a partir de la DIFF2 SemaphoreGet(1) VoltDiff(PPFD_BC_IU(1),2,mV25,6,True,0,50,1,0) VoltSe(PPFD_BC_IU(3),2,mV25,15,True,0,50,1,0) For i = 1 To 4 PPFD_BC(i) = PPFD_BC_IU(i)*PPFD_BC_mult(i) + 0 Next SemaphoreRelease(1) 'Precis Mecanique 3029/2 WMO rainfall sensor and ARG100 sn86224 raingauge PulseCount(RainPM3029,1,1,2,0,RainPM3029_mult,0) PulseCount(RainARG100,1,2,2,0,RainARG100_mult,0) 'Configuration du TimeStamps selon ICOS format YYYYMMDDhhmmss Call ICOSTimeFormat 'Appel des tables CallTable(FRFonTS02) CallTable(Meteo) CallTable(PPFD_GBOV) 'File timing If Outstat2 Then Lastfiletime2 = FRFonTS02.Timestamp(3,5) SplitStr(timearray2(),Lastfiletime2,"",6,0) Desiredtime2 = timearray2(3)&timearray2(2)&timearray2(1) Newfilename2 = "USR:FR-Fon_BM_"+Desiredtime2+"_L03_F02.dat" FileRename(Lastfilename2,Newfilename2) EndIf NextScan SlowSequence Scan(30,Sec,1,0) 'Vaisala HMD 30 YB humidity and temperature sensor VoltSe(HMD_RHair,1,mV2500,1,False,0,_50Hz,0.1,0) VoltSe(HMD_TempAir,1,mV2500,2,False,0,_50Hz,0.1,-20) '61302V barometric sensor '*** 61302V Sensor Polling Variables *** 'Configure ComPort 1 for use with the 61302V SerialOpen (Com1,9600,0,0,1000) BP_Poll = "M0!" CR2 = CHR(13) 'Poll 61302V Sensor SerialFlush (Com1) 'Clear buffer before polling for a new measurement SerialOut (Com1,BP_Poll,"",0,100) 'Send sensor poll command SerialIn (BP_raw,Com1,100,CR2,100) 'Receive sensor response SplitStr (BP_string,BP_raw,"",1,0) 'Parse out BP value Pression = BP_string 'Convert ASCII to numeric value PressionkPa = Pression/10 'IR120 radiothermometers (x3) 'Measure the IR120 Body Temperature '---------------------------------- 'Measure the thermistor using a half bridge by applying a negative 'excitation voltage of -2.5V 'Note that switching the bridge excitation is set to FALSE. 'no settling time because short cable 'Measure the IR120 Infrared Temperature '-------------------------------------- 'Measure the infrared temperature using a half bridge instruction 'Note that switching the bridge excitation is set to FALSE. 'Use 75 ms settling time, to allow amplified signal to settle 'The multiplier is used to correct the ratiometric output to mV SemaphoreGet(1) BrHalf(BR_Res(1),1,mV2500,3,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) ExciteV(Vx1,2500,75000) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(1),1,mV250,4,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) SemaphoreRelease(1) SemaphoreGet(1) BrHalf(BR_Res(2),1,mV2500,5,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) ExciteV(Vx1,2500,75000) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(2),1,mV250,6,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) SemaphoreRelease(1) SemaphoreGet(1) BrHalf(BR_Res(3),1,mV2500,7,Vx1,1,-2500,False,0,_50Hz,1,0) ExciteV(Vx1,2500,75000) BrHalf(IRSensor_Volt(3),1,mV250,8,Vx1,1,2500,False,0,_50Hz,2500,0) SemaphoreRelease(1) TCPOpen_var = TCPOpen("",6785,0) GetVariables (ResultCode,TCPOpen_var,0,4,0,0,"Public","TempAir_37m",TempAir_37m,1) For IR120i = 1 To 3 Step 1 'Multiply the ratio of measured voltage by a constant appropriate to the thermistor IRSensor_Resis(IR120i) = 77020 * (BR_Res(IR120i) / (1 - BR_Res(IR120i))) 'Using Steinhart-hart, apply the calibration coefficients to arrive at a body temperature in Celsius IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) = 1 / (Coeff_A(IR120i) + Coeff_B(IR120i) * LN(IRSensor_Resis(IR120i)) + Coeff_C(IR120i) * (LN(IRSensor_Resis(IR120i)))^3) - 273.15 'Apply temperature compensation IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i) = IRSensor_Volt(IR120i) * 1.0004 ^(IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) - 25) 'Apply coefficients IRSensor_E(IR120i) = Coeff_X(IR120i) * IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i)^2 + Coeff_Y(IR120i) * IRSensor_Volt_TC(IR120i) + Coeff_Z(IR120i) 'Add difference to absolute energy from the sensor body IRSensor_T4(IR120i) = (IRSensor_E(IR120i) / 5.67E-8) + ((IRSensorCan_Temp(IR120i) + 273.15)^4) 'Resolve for remote surface temperature in Kelvin – NOTE this is the 'UNCORRECTED value IRSensor_T(IR120i) = (IRSensor_T4^0.25) - 273.15 'Correct for the effects of the high infrared transmission film IRTFilm_T4(IR120i) = ((IRSensor_T4(IR120i) - ((TempAir_37m + 273.15)^4 * (1 - Film))) / Film) 'Combine with the corrrection for Emissivity and Convert to Celsius IRTemp(IR120i) = ((IRTFilm_T4(IR120i)-((TempAir_37m + 273.15)^4*(1-Emissivity)))/Emissivity)^0.25 - 273.15 Next 'Thygan VTP37 dew point Thermo-Hygrometer If IfTime (0,1,Min) Then Ask_ThyganVTP37 'Thermocouple type T du filtre profil 37m PanelTemp(Ptemp,_50Hz) TCDiff(TempFiltre37m,1,mV25C,5,TypeT,Ptemp,True ,0,_50Hz,1.0,0) 'Configuration du Timestamps selon ICOS format YYYYMMDDhhmmss Call ICOSTimeFormat 'Call Data Tables and Store Data CallTable(FRFonTS01) CallTable(Meteo) CallTable(TempSurf) 'File timing If Outstat Then Lastfiletime = FRFonTS01.Timestamp(3,5) SplitStr(timearray(),Lastfiletime,"",6,0) Desiredtime = timearray(3)&timearray(2)&timearray(1) Newfilename = "USR:FR-Fon_BM_"+Desiredtime+"_L03_F01.dat" FileRename(Lastfilename,Newfilename) EndIf NextScan EndProg
Thanks JDavis, I'm going to test it.
All the best,
Hi @JDavis,
I have another question on the same CRBasic program. We currently lost systematically the first 2h45 of data in the daily files generated by the program with
TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS01.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat,Lastfilename)
TableFile ("USR:FRFonTS02.dat",11,7,0,1,Day,Outstat2,Lastfilename2
We only generated first the FRFonTS01.dat file and the programm ran good. When we added the second TableFile with 5sec scanrate, we begun to have troubles (the first one has been solves with the Semaphore instruction (thx again for your help).
We a priori get correctly the halfhourly average data in the other datatable.
Do you think that the USR we created could not be sufficient in space
to create the two datatables and that we probably need to add a NL116 module with CF ?
We normally have 115 Ko for FRFonTS01.dat and 1330 Ko for FRFonTS02.dat when they are complete.
All the best,
I just realized that we already checked this and added a NL116 module with CF. So the datafiles are currently stored in a CF memory and the storage is not problematic. Another idea?
Any idea ?