I'm trying to link a CR350 and a "fasttrack/wavecom like" modem (ercogener 325e, it's the very same).
I've set my modem first with a direct link on my laptop with these parameters :
AT+CPIN? --->>> ("READY", pin is deactivated)
Then I save the profile :
And so I've enter this on DevConfig Utility on the PPP page :
Modem dial string : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","fipbouygtel.com";ATD*99***1#
Modem dial response : CONNECT
And finally I've made a program that I'll put below.
So after a time (1-2 min) I eventually get an IP but this IP doesn't stay and it's unpingable. As I saw some time on the PPP window "ppp state: user interrupt" I suspect something in my program that try 2 access at the same time or my loop are wrong, can you please help me ? Here my prog, I just let the connexion + update a DynDNS service (commented for now), and some light measure :
'2024-08-07 'general Public BattV Public PTemp_C Public TimeOffset="NAN" Public PingMe ', TraceMessage As String * 100 Public myIP As String *15 'Public Dest As String *300, LastRx_Secs As Long Public MessageSLOW As String *40 'maj heure Dim rTime(9) Alias rTime(1)= Time_Year Alias rTime(2)= Time_Month Alias rTime(3)= Time_DayOfMonth Alias rTime(4)= Time_HourOfDay Alias rTime(5)= Time_Minutes Alias rTime(6)= Time_Seconds Alias rTime(7)= Time_Microseconds Alias rTime(8)= Time_DayOfWeek Alias rTime(9)= Time_DayOfYear Units BattV=Volts Units PTemp_C=Deg C '----------MODEM parametres Const Modem_baud = 115200 Const Modem_port = COMRS232 Const Modem_return = CHR(13) Const Modem_ok = CHR(10)&"OK" 'Public TelecomFlag As Boolean Public TelecomStartTime = 5 'UTC Public TelecomStopTime = 22 'UTC '----------MODEM parametres '----------DynDNS parametres Dim Socket Dim SocketResponse As String * 200 Dim pppInfo(9) As String *32 Dim UDDNScont = 0 Const dyndnshostname="cr300-labo.dyndns.info" Const dyndnsauth="thepassword" 'Const SocketGetRequest="GET /nic/update?hostname="+dyndnshostname+"&myip=ipaddress&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG HTTP/1.0"+CHR(13)+CHR(10) 'Const SocketGetRequest="GET /nic/update?hostname="+dyndnshostname+"&myip="+myIP+CHR(13)+CHR(10) Const SocketGetRequest="GET /nic/update?hostname="+dyndnshostname+"&myip=" '----------DynDNS parametres '---------MODEM sous-routine Sub ModemON 'démarrage modem SW12 (SW12_1,1 ) Delay(1,30,sec) SerialOpen(Modem_port,Modem_baud,0,20000,0,0,0) SerialOut (COMRS232,"AT+CGATT=1" & Modem_return,Modem_ok,3,200) SerialOut (COMRS232,"AT+CGDCONT=1,'IP','fipbouygtel.com'" & Modem_return,Modem_ok,3,200) SerialOut (COMRS232,"AT+CGACT=1,1" & Modem_return,Modem_ok,3,200) SerialOut (COMRS232,"ATD*99***1#" & Modem_return,Modem_ok,3,200) 'If myIP="" OR myIP="" myIP=PPPOpen 'EndIf Delay(1,10,sec) EndSub Sub ModemOFF 'arret modem PPPClose SerialOpen(Modem_port,Modem_baud,0,20000,100) SerialOut(Modem_port,"AT+CFUN=0" & Modem_return,Modem_ok,3,200) Delay(1,5,sec) SerialOut(Modem_port,"AT+CPWROFF" & Modem_return,Modem_ok,3,200) Delay(1,10,sec) SerialClose(Modem_port) SW12 (SW12_1,0 ) Delay(1,10,sec EndSub Sub UpdateDDNS 'maj du DynDNS Socket=TCPOpen("members.dyndns.org",80,8245) If Socket<>0 Then SerialOut(Socket,SocketGetRequest+myIP+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,0) SerialOut(Socket,"Host: members.dyndns.org "+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,0) SerialOut(Socket,"Authorization: Basic "+dyndnsauth+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,0) SerialOut(Socket,"User-Agent: Company - Device - Version Number"+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,0) SerialOut(Socket,CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,0) SerialIn(SocketResponse,Socket,1000,"",200) SplitStr (pppInfo,SocketResponse,CHR(13)+CHR(10),9,5) UDDNScont = UDDNScont+1 EndIf EndSub DataTable(soh,True,-1) DataInterval(0,1,Min,10) Minimum(1,BattV,IEEE4,False,False) Average(1,PTemp_C,IEEE4,False) EndTable '---------MODEM sous-routine 'Main Program BeginProg 'Main Scan Scan(10,Sec,1,0) Battery(BattV) PanelTemp(PTemp_C,4000) Calltable soh NextScan '---------MODEM slowsequence SlowSequence Scan(1, Min, 3, 0) If BattV >=11.25 Then RealTime (rTime) If Time_HourOfDay >= TelecomStartTime AND Time_HourOfDay <= TelecomStopTime Then ModemON PingMe=PingIP ("www.google.com",10000,1) TimeOffset = NetworkTimeProtocol ("",0,1000) If myIP<>"" OR myIP="" Then 'UpdateDDNS MessageSLOW="ModemON et ping OK" Else MessageSLOW="ModemON mais pas de ping" myIP="" 'ModemON EndIf Else 'IPTrace (TraceMessage) MessageSLOW="Batt low et/ou horaire nuit" EndIf Else ModemOFF MessageSLOW="Batt low" EndIf Next Scan EndSequence '---------MODEM slowsequence EndProg