Nortek Signature 100 is connected with CR1000x by RS232 , the ADCP is measuring 2 readings, water current and waves parameters, water current readings are probelry recieved but the waves reading it is no received. please check the below segemnt related to the waves parameters reading
waves readings should be received every 1 H, previuosly was recieved at:27 min in each hour
DataTable (WaveBurst,True,1000)
Sample (1,wavesDate,IEEE4)
Sample (1,wavesTime,IEEE4)
Sample (1,Hm0,IEEE4)
Sample (1,H3 ,IEEE4)
Sample (1,H10,IEEE4)
Sample (1,Hmax,IEEE4)
Sample (1,Tm02,IEEE4)
Sample (1,Tp,IEEE4)
Sample (1,Tz ,IEEE4)
Sample (1,DirTp ,IEEE4)
Sample (1,SprTp,IEEE4)
Sample (1,MainDirection ,IEEE4)
Scan (10,Sec,3,0)
If TimeIsBetween (20,28,60,Min)
SerialInRecord (ComC7,WaveString,36,0,&h0D0A,NBytesReturned1,11) Nortekchecksum = HexToDec(Right(WaveString,2))
WaveString = Left(WaveString,Len(WaveString)-3)
If subStrings(1)="PNORW" Then
wavesDate =subStrings(2)
wavesTime =subStrings(3)
spectrumBasisType = subStrings(4)
processingMethod = subStrings(5)
Hm0 = subStrings(6)
H3 = subStrings(7)
H10 = subStrings(8)
Hmax = subStrings(9)
Tm02 = subStrings(10)
Tp = subStrings(11)
Tz = subStrings(12)
DirTp = subStrings(13)
SprTp = subStrings(14)
MainDirection = subStrings(15)
UnidirectionalityIndex = subStrings(16)
MeanPressure = subStrings(17)
NumberOfNoDetects = subStrings(18)
NumberOfBadDetects = subStrings(19)
NearSurfaceCurrentSpeed = subStrings(20)
NearSurfaceCurrentDirection = subStrings(21)
Errorcode = subStrings(22)
CallTable (WaveBurst) EndIf EndIf
As my opinion, firstly, you need to check the serial communication settings to ensure that data is being transmitted correctly.
This post is under review.