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CR1000X Duplicate timestamps

marshmel Aug 21, 2024 01:14 PM

I have a couple years of 15-min met station data collected with a CR1000X where, seemingly randomly, there will be periods of duplicate timestamps. One period is roughly 12 hours, another is only 1 hour. Only the timestamp repeats. The record number keeps accruing as normal and the data values are different. Has anyone else experienced this?

Sam Aug 25, 2024 11:02 PM

This may be a symptom of setting the datalogger time/clock.

For example, the datalogger may be programmed to take a measurement and save a record every 12 hours. If the clock/datalogger clock turns 12:00:00, it will execute the scan and then calltable, resulting in a record of data. If at 12:00:01, the datalogger time is adjusted back to 11:59:59, it will again execute the scan and calltable at 12:00:00 resulting in a new record with duplicate timestamp.

You should evaluate your datalogger clock sync sources. The most popular is LoggerNet. Check LoggerNet -> Device -> Clock and see if "Automated Clock Check" is enabled. If so, you might wish to adjust the "Initial Time", "Interval", and "Allowed Clock Deviation" to reduce the possibility of overlap with your data storage interval. For example, maybe look at setting "Initial Time" to "12:00:20", "Interval" to "1 d 00 h 00 m", and "Allowed Clock Deviation" to "10 s".

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