I am looking for a data logger program for basic communication and wiring between a K&Z CGR 4 and a CR1000 CSI data logger.
Thank you for your attention
Here is the program for CR1000
'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'*** Wiring ***
'1H long-wave pyranometer sensor signal (red)
'1L long-wave pyranometer sensor signal reference (blue)
'gnd long-wave pyranometer sensor signal sheild (black)
'2H long-wave pyranometer sensor thermistor resistor Signal (green)
' 10K ohm resistor signal
'gnd 10K ohm resistor signal reference
'EX1 long-wave pyranometer sensor thermistor resistor Excitation (yellow)
'*** Constants ***
'CGR4's sensitivity
Const CGR4_Sen = 13.52*10^-3 'mV/W/m^2, your CGR4's sensitivity on its body
'calculation for the temperature from thermistor resistor in CGR4
Const a = 1.03*10^-3
Const b = 2.38*10^-4
Const c = 1.59*10^-7
'10K ohm resistors' impedance
Const R = 10000
'*** Variables ***
Public PTemp, batt_volt
Public Rad_cgr4
Public Rad_cgr_4_tot_MJ
Dim un_cal_cgr4
Dim thermistor_cgr4
Dim T_cgr4
Dim temp_cgr4
'*** Final Output Data Tables ***
'Half Hour Data Table
DataTable (Half_Hour,1,-1)
DataInterval (0,30,Min,10)
Average (1,Rad_cgr4,FP2,False)
'Daily Data Table
DataTable (Daily,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,1440,Min,10)
Sample (1,Rad_cgr_4_tot_MJ,FP2)
'*** Working Data Tables ***
DataTable (AVG,True,1)
DataInterval (0,1440,Min,10)
Average (1,Rad_cgr4,FP2,False)
'*** Program ***
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (Batt_volt)
VoltDiff (un_cal_cgr4,1,mV25,1,True ,3000,_50Hz,1.0,0)
BrHalf (thermistor_cgr4,1,Autorange,3,Vx1,1,2500,True ,3000,_50Hz,1.0,0)
thermistor_cgr4 = R * (1-thermistor_cgr4)/thermistor_cgr4
T_cgr4 = (a+(b*LN(thermistor_cgr4)+c*(LN(thermistor_cgr4))^3))^-1
temp_cgr4 = T_cgr4^4 * 5.67 * 10^-8
Rad_cgr4 = un_cal_cgr4 + temp_cgr4
CallTable Half_Hour
CallTable AVG
If IfTime (0,1440,Min) Then
Rad_cgr_4_tot_MJ = AVG.Rad_cgr4_AVG(1,1) * 0.0864
CallTable Daily
Nice! Thanks a lot for posting this. A CSI engineer also worked one up for me and should either post it here or in one of their other web locations. His is slightly different but I bet the resulting outcome is the same. Thanks again for the reply.
'2H long-wave pyranometer sensor thermistor resistor Signal (green)
' 10K ohm resistor signal
'gnd 10K ohm resistor signal reference
do I need to add a 10k resistor?
Thank you
This post is under review.