For years, we have had running some program on a CR1000 with COM111 modems. That code use AT commnads to send SMS. The subrutine to send SMS is below :
CR1000 Firmware: CR1000.Std.32.07
Cel215 Firmware version : 2.030
Public GPRS_baud = 115200
Const GPRS_Port = comME
Sub Send_SMS(text As String *160)
Dim i SerialOpen (GPRS_Port,GPRS_baud,0,0,160) Delay (1,100,mSec)
For i=1 To n_phones SerialOut (GPRS_Port,"AT+CMGS="+phone_numbers(i)+CHR(13),">",2,400) SerialOut (GPRS_Port,text+CHR(26)+CHR(13),"OK",2,400) Next SerialClose(GPRS_Port) EndSub
When we changed old modems and intalled the CELL215 devices, we updated the code and changed Const GPRS_Port = ComSDC8, the dataloger get an IP and it can be done a remote conection as always, but the code fails when it tries to send an SMS with the above subrutine, the modem also reboot o at least loose its IP.
We set ComSDC8 as CS I/O Port SDC Address
ComSDC11 as Terminal Port CS I/O Adress
With GPRS_Port = ComSDC8 the code makes the modem reset or at least loose its IP
We tried then GPRS_Port = ComSDC11 and this setup do no nothing.
Later we realize that ther is a COMMAND LIST for the CEL2xx devices and we discovered and tried commands related to SMS ("send sms" and "receives sms" instead of the previous at-commands, but nothing worked.
Finally we descoverd if connect through terminal to CEL215 and ask for avaliable commands, there are no commands for SMS management, check the answer below:
CELL2xx> CELL2xx>HELP Status Commands show apn (Access Point Name) show baud (Baud Rate - RS232) show mode (Mode) show diversity (Diversity Antenna) show ping (Ping Enabled) show ipprotocol (IP Protocol) show sdc (SDC Address - CS I/O) show listen port (Listen Port - Serial Server Mode) show client URL (Client URL - Serial Client Mode) show client port (Client Port - Serial Client Mode) show client timeout (Client timeout - Serial Client Mode) show ppp user (PPP Username) show ppp pass (PPP Password) show pdp user (PDP Username) show pdp pass (PDP Password) show trusted 1 (Trusted IP Host 1) show trusted 2 (Trusted IP Host 2) show trusted 3 (Trusted IP Host 3) show trusted 4 (Trusted IP Host 4) show power start (Power Schedule Start Time) show power duration (Power Schedule On Duration) show power repeat (Power Schedule Repeat Cycle) show billing (Billing Cycle Day) show roaming (Roaming) show sdc term (Terminal Diagnostic SDC Address) show model (Model Description) show rev (Revision) show arev (Alternate Revision) show osdate (Operating System Date) show serial (Serial Number) show mod manu (Module Manufacturer) show mod model (Module Model) show mod rev (Model Revision) show mod arev (Model Alernate Revision) show imei (IMEI) show imsi (IMSI) show iccid (ICCID) show euiccid (EUICCID) show phone (Phone) show smssca (SMS Service Center Address) show bat (Battery Voltage) show state (State (Modem Status)) show state num (State ID Number) show usage today (Usage Today) show usage yesterday (Usage Yesterday) show usage month (Usage Month) show usage lastmonth (Usage Last Month) show reg 3g (3G Network Registration) show reg gprs (GPRS Network Registration) show reg lte (LTE Network Registration) show rssi (RSSI (3G Signal Strength)) show ecio (ECIO (3G Signal Quality)) show rsrp (RSRP (LTE Signal Strength)) show rsrq (RSRQ (LTE Signal Quality)) show operator (Operator (Network)) show acc tech (Access Technology (Network)) show band (Band) show osupdate pending (OS Update Pending) show osupdate description (OS Update Description) show osupdate priority (OS Update Priority) show osupdate progress (OS Update Progress) show modupdate pending (Module Update Pending) show modupdate description (Module Update Description) show modupdate priority (Module Update Priority) show modupdate progress (Module Update Progress) show device info (Device Information) show ip info #net (IP Info) show cellular Info (Cellular info) show time (Display Time) show settings (Settings) show cellular errors (Cellular error summary) show cellular log (Cellular error log) show cell id (Cellular ID) show update check (cellular update checking state) show update results (cellular update diag results) show diagnostic report (Diagnostic Report) show sms log (SMS Log) show SMS RX (SMS Recv Queue) show SMS TX (SMS Tx Log) Set Commands set apn (Access Point Name) set div (Diversity Antenna) set ping (Ping Enabled) set baud (Baud Rate - RS232) set mode (Mode) set sdc (SDC Address - CS I/O) set listen port (Listen Port - Serial Server Mode) set client URL (Client URL - Serial Client Mode) set client port (Client Port - Serial Client Mode) set client timeout (Client timeout - Serial Client Mode) set billing (Billing Cycle Day) set roaming (Roaming) set ipprotocol (IP Protocol) set ppp user (PPP Username) set ppp pass (PPP Password) set pdp user (PDP Username) set pdp pass (PDP Password) set trusted 1 (Trusted IP Host 1) set trusted 2 (Trusted IP Host 2) set trusted 3 (Trusted IP Host 3) set trusted 4 (Trusted IP Host 4) set power start (Power Schedule Start Time) set power duration (Power Schedule On Duration) set power repeat (Power Schedule Repeat Cycle) set comms watch (Comms Watch) Action Commands deep sleep (Sleep enabled - Low Power Mode) wakeup (Wakeup - Disable sleep) reset module (Reset cellular module) reboot (Reboot device) refresh network (Refresh cellular network) check update (Sets OS/Module update check flag) start modupdate (Starts pending module over the air update) start osupdate (Starts pending CELL2xx OS update) clear usage (Clear usage counts) clear logs (Clear logs) ping xxx (Ping IPv4 Address(xxx)) CELL2xx>
Is ther any problem with this CEL215 firmware version?
Is ther any other way to send SMS?
Our guess is that as action commands related to SMS are missing in this firmware, these Cell215 devices are not able to send or receive messages by this way.
It would be useful if there would be a chance to download older firmwares, in order to do tests.