I have ATI-K sonic anemomter from M/s Applied Technology,Inc and LI-7500A. The ATI-K has one scan delay (0.1sec) and LI-7500A has 0.297 sec or ~3 scan delay. The ATI-K data are recieved using serial port and is logged separately in a file. I would like to synchronize these two sets of data so that there is no delay while storing them in the data logger, CR3000. Sampling frequency is 10 Hz. I would appriciate and be thankful if anybody can help me how to achieve this while writing CR3000 code.
Thankyou for your kind help...
While seaching for solution to the above question, I came across a code for CSAT3 and LI7500. Part of the code is listed below. In the below code, I failed to understand few things.
1. What is the logic behind selecting number 16 (OFFSET = 16)
2. Why so many recoreds (14 records) for "Const CSAT_REC_BCK = OFFSET-DELAY_CSAT" is required to push back.
3. why so many records (13 records) for 'IRGA_REC_BCK = OFFSET-DELAY_IRGA' is required to push back.
Offcourse it is meant for synchronization but I am not getting logic behind them.
Kindly help me to understand above doubt /difficulties.
Thank you,
part of the code for CSAT3 and LI7500
Const OFFSET = 16 'An offset delay that will be introduced to the CSAT3, LI-7500, and analog data.
Const DELAY_CSAT = 2 'Fixed inherent lag of the CSAT3 data (two scans).
'Fixed inherent lag of the LI-7500 data (three scans at 10 Hz or six scans at 20 Hz).
'Determine scan buffer size, CSAT3 Execution Parameters and fixed lags for CSAT3 and LI-7500.
Const SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE = 300*INT (1000/SCAN_INTERVAL) 'Compute 5 minute scan buffer.
Const CSAT_OPT = INT (1000/SCAN_INTERVAL) 'Compute CSAT3 Execution Parameter (10 or 20 Hz).
Const CSAT_REC_BCK = OFFSET-DELAY_CSAT 'Number of records back to align CSAT3 data.
Const IRGA_REC_BCK = OFFSET-DELAY_IRGA 'Number of records back to align LI-7500 data.
I found a code for CSAT3 and LI7500 while searching for the answer to the previous question. Listed below is a portion of the code. A couple of things in the code below are beyond my comprehension. wordle today
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