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Logging SDI12 messages

JamesMc Jun 16, 2016 11:13 PM

Is it possible to log SDI12 messages on a CR1000 similar to watching the SDI12 port through the terminal and saving the output?   I need to watch over several days, and staying connected and watching/logging/saving the watched terminal output is not feasible as the pakbus network contains several nodes, and the station in question is several hops along a RF401 radio link.

Ken Conner Jun 21, 2016 10:57 PM


If you have a free COM port (C1/C2) on the data logger you can jumper the SDI-12 channecl (C1 for example) to the RX channel of another COM port (C4 for example).

If the program below I am using a CR1000 to measure a CS451 SDI-12 pressure transducer.  If for some reason the logger doesn't see the response that it expects from the sensor, it logs the 'traffic' to a table.  In this example, all you need to do is jumper C1 to C4 with a short length of wire.

Public PTemp, BVolt
Public CS451(2)
Public CS451_Capture As String * 64

DataTable (CS451_14010751,1,-1) 'Set table size to # of records, or -1 to autoallocate.
DataInterval (0,2,Min,10)
Sample (1,BVolt,FP2)
Sample (1,PTemp,IEEE4)
Sample (2,CS451(),IEEE4)

DataTable (CS451_Snoop,True,500)
Sample (1,CS451_Capture,String)

SerialOpen (Com2,1200,10,0,1000)
Scan (120,Sec,0,0)
Battery (BVolt)

Delay (0,2000,mSec)
SDI12Recorder (CS451(),1,0,"M!",1.0,0)
If CS451(1) = NAN Then
SerialIn (CS451_Capture,Com2,100,0,100)
CallTable CS451_Snoop
SerialFlush (Com2)

CallTable CS451_14010751

JamesMc Jun 28, 2016 05:23 PM

That is perfect.  Thanks.

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