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CR6 - Have to manually reboot my station after certain amounts of data collected for the Raven modem connection to work again

Bluegrass Jul 4, 2016 09:26 PM

Dear All,

I am using CR6 + (2)CDM-VW305 at 50 msec interval to collect dynamic strain pulses under traffic loads on an urban road. There is not a problem when I used direct connection from USB port to collect data. However, the LoggerNet connection would fail after I connected Rave XT digital modem to retrieve certain amounts of data - say, 245,022 rows of data in a main table. Those data are in 30 hours period.

I could connect to Rave XT digital modem by using Device Configuration Utility, or, web version ACEmanager to reboot modem remotely. But I could not get remote connection to datalogger by using LoggerNet to collect data. I have to manually reboot my datalogger to get it back on line by physically visiting my field. It is 160 miles round trip. Which means I have to drive 160 miles to get my datalogger connection in every 30 hours. It is very frustrated.

I have searched this forum for related topics and found some good ideas using Filemanage or "time relays", which I could not find in CRBasic Editor, to reboot system on similar dataloggers. All the cases I found are under SlowSequence.

Does anyone of you have an idea how to solve this problem? Thank you for your help in advance.


JDavis Jul 5, 2016 07:26 PM

You can try adding this line. It would power off SW12-1 between 11:59PM and 12:00AM. It would be on the rest of the time. Being on a CR6, I used the optional parameter to put this in the processing task to not mess up your high speed measurements.

SW12 (1,TimeIsBetween (0,1439,1440,min) ,1)

Bluegrass Jul 5, 2016 07:38 PM

Thank you, JDavis.

Does SW12-1 control CR6 unit? I do not have any unit powered by SW12-1. Thanks.

JDavis Jul 5, 2016 08:04 PM

You would connect the cell modem power wire to SW12-1. The power cycle will force the modem to reboot, but not the datalogger.

Bluegrass Jul 5, 2016 08:12 PM

Thanks, JDavis.

My modem does not have problem. I need to reboot/restart my datalogger periodically in the program. How could I do that? Thank you again.

DAM Jul 5, 2016 11:05 PM

You can programatically force a resart by using:


Make sure to include the -.

This will force a "watchdog reset".

This will save you a trip to the site, but is clearly not the desired behavior.

It would be appreciated, when you have the time, to get in contact with our support group and give some more details about the "lockup" condition. They may request the program etc. so we can reproduce what you are seeing so we can understand and address the root problem.

Bluegrass Jul 6, 2016 05:28 PM

Thank you, DAM.

I am planning to add following Bold codes to my program. Before doing so, I checked page 397 on CR6 Operator's Manual and found out:

A full memory reset does the following:
• Clears and formats CPU: drive (all program files erased)
• Clears SRAM data tables
• Clears Status-table elements
• Restores settings to default
• Initializes system variables
• Clears communication memory
• Recompiles current program

Are those true for this action? I am a little bit of scared. Can you tell me what exactly doing when I use instruction, SetStatus("FullMemReset",-98765)? Thank you for your time and help.

=========== The following Bold codes will be added to my program: ===========


Public rTime(9)                            'declare as public and dimension rTime to 9


CPISpeed (500)

''20 Hz/50msec scan rate
  Scan(50,msec,10000,0) 'Buffer option of 10000


    RealTime( rTime())                                    'get datalogger's time
    If (rTime(4) = 4 AND rTime(5) = 2) Then     'if Hour = 4:02 AM


Note: The reason I choose at 4:02 AM doing SetStatus is that there be least traffic on that urban road at that time. My LoggerNet collects data every 5 minutes. It will collect data at 4:00 AM. Leave it 2 minutes finishing collection.

Best wishes,


maurixio Jul 21, 2016 09:55 PM

im having the exactly same problem, just lose the connection with the ls300 after days online, i get ping from the modem but no access from datalogger

i had to do a hard reboot (modem included) to get all working again, and we cant do that because we also have weather stations far away from the city.

if i do the watchdog trick code, i also lost connectivity with the cr6 (it just does not do any kind of sync between them) , but my modem still reply well.

we neither can connect the modem to a SW12V , we had some issues in the past  doing that way.

what can i do?

with cr1000 never had this kind of problem.

JDavis Jul 21, 2016 10:01 PM

If you are using a CR6, make sure you are using the latest OS version on the datalogger. There were some significant bug fixes related to PPP connections to cellular modems.

maurixio Jul 21, 2016 10:03 PM

JDavis im using the latest OS version on the datalogger and the latest of the ls300 modem too.

Bluegrass Jul 22, 2016 02:45 AM

It scared me before I used command, SetStatus("FullMemReset",-98765). And I hesitated to use it at the beginning. After I used it over two weeks, everything is ok. Nothing lost. One thing for sure - I do not need to drive 160 miles to manually reset my datalogger after using this command everyday at 4:00 AM.

Thank you, DAM from CSI.

flaviomagina Dec 28, 2016 07:43 PM

Hello people from CSI, I'm having the same problem with my datalogger network.

Can I use the same instruction SetStatus("FullMemReset",-98765) for CR1000 and CR800 dataloggers?

Thank you!

Flavio Magina from INPE-Brazil

JDavis Dec 28, 2016 07:46 PM

It works the same on a CR1000, CR850, or CR800 datalogger.

GaryTRoberts Dec 28, 2016 07:49 PM

This is a way to reset the logger, but it is better to get to the seat of the real issue.  What is causing the logger to lock up?  Have you tried OS 31/OS 06?  We have done a lot of work on these operating systems trying to resolve the issue.  There are a lot of fixes in this last OS in regards to PPP and TCP/IP issues.

flaviomagina Dec 28, 2016 11:25 PM

Hi Gary and Davis, thanks for your response.

I'm using the new OS 30.01 in all my CR1000 dataloggers (14 units) and the problem remains in some sites.

There is a subroutine in my CRBasic software that runs PPPOpen instruction and check if its "" (lost IP) and then recycle the modem power. In some sites it doesn´t take any effect. The communtication by modem is definitely broken. It´s necessary to go to the site and localy recycle the datalogger power to recover the modem-datalogger PPP communication. This is very undesirable since it costs a trip to the site (time and money). Reading this forum I noticed that other customers are having the same problem.

I will send to your e-mail the whatchdog files recorded by the dataloggers that lock up the PPP communication with the modem.

At the moment I'm working in my CRBasic code to evaluate the SetStatus("FullMemReset",-98765) and FileManage instructions in order to find out which one has the least impact on the operation in my application. From what I read in this forum and the null results I had with the new OS I see no other solution for the moment than using these instructions to reset the datalogger and reestablish the modem communication.

Anyway thanks for the help.

Flavio Magina from INPE-Brazil

GaryTRoberts Dec 29, 2016 12:24 AM


My bet is we have the PPP issue resolved in OS 31 (not 30.01) that is causing your watchdogs.  We have done a lot of work in regards to PPP in OS 31.

Feel free to send me your watchdog file at gtroberts -at- campbellsci.com.  I will let you know what I find after I get your email.

Glad to help.


flaviomagina Dec 29, 2016 01:22 AM

Hello Gary,

I'm going to try the new OS 31. I hope it solves the PPP issue.

I sent the watchdog file to your email and a message too.


Flavio Magina from INPE-Brazil

Moletto-Lobos May 25, 2017 10:33 PM

Dear CR6 Support team & Users:

Actually i'm a using a CR6 measuring meteorological data every 5 minutes, it workes everything okay but i have the same problem about the connection because after a few days, i lost the signal and i need reset the data manually travelling 1000 Km.

For this i ask, because i'm little scared too.. Do just i need put on the end of the code line the watchdog reset ( SetStatus("FullMemReset",-98765)

Thanks for the help
My Cordial Regards,

Italo Moletto-Lobos

aps Aug 17, 2017 05:44 AM


After review with our engineering department can I change the advice given in the discussion above.

Using the instruction:  SetStatus("FullMemReset",-98765)  will reset the datalogger but can possibly lead to loss of data, especially if data is being written to files on the datalogger.   This is because it forces the logger to literally stop dead, which then triggers a watchdog after some seconds (this function was introduced to test the watchdog).   However, because the datalogger often writes data in background process to memory or files,  if the setstatus command is called with these parameters when background processes are running which are storing data there is a risk some may be lost, files may be left in an open state or even corrupted.

The cleaner way to restart a program is to use the FileManage command by including code as shown below which is called infrequently or on some event, e.g. lost of internet connectivity.   Running Filemanage is akin to reloading the program from a PC where the program is first stopped and all data is flushed to memory or cards and files closed properly.


ThisFN=Status.ProgName 'Get the current program name in a string variable
FileManage(ThisFN,6)  'Restart the program


Even more simply use the Restart command which is supported in the CR300 datalogger and will be introduced in future operating systems for other loggers.

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