I am preparing CR1000 for operating in remote location. I will measure temperature and rain. Can you please assist me with the program code for data output to APRS?
I have a DLD file that should help you out. Do you have an email address I can send it to
I am installing a MetOne station that uses a Campbell Scientific Data Logger. I want to be able to:
1. Create a continuously updating web page
2. Push my data to WxUnderground
3. Push my data to CWOP
Who out there might have experience or knowledge about how I should be able to do these tasks?
Thanks! Brad
Hi folks ,
I am interested in posting CR1000 data via APRS and CWOP.
Currently the CR1000 is posting data directly to Weatherunderground.
Can somebody shed some light on the code which will enable the CR1000 to post this data ? Thanks for any support.