I have a UDP problem, i hope someone can help me.
I have a CR310 connected to a sierra wireless modem RV50 by ethernet and i would like to use the UDP link to send and receive SMS. I have use this small program to test the UDP connection with the modem RV50:
Public con_status_modem As Long,con_sms_recv As Long,con_sms_send as Long
Public TrameModem as string * 150,sLigneSMS as string * 200
Public sendmessage As Boolean
'Main Program
sendmessage = false
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
Dim NBytesReturned,NBytesReturnedModem
'Ouverture des ports reseau
con_sms_recv = UDPOpen("",54321,1024,0)' Connexion pour la reception de SMS
con_sms_send = UDPOpen("",54322,1024,0) ' Connexion pour l'envoi de SMS
con_status_modem = UDPOpen("",54323,256,0)' Connexion pour la recuperation des donnees du modem
SerialInRecord (con_sms_recv,sLigneSMS,&H3C3C,0,&H3E3E,NBytesReturned,01)
SerialInRecord (con_status_modem,TrameModem,&H0133,0,&HF201,NBytesReturnedModem,01)
If sendmessage Then
SerialOut (con_sms_send,"<<336XXXXXXXX,ASCII,12,54657374206d657373616765>>","",0,0)
sendmessage = false
After few seconds, the con_sms_recv return 0 and no more UDP listening connection come back.
This will not append to the con_status_modem because i receive continue data (every 15sec) on this socket.
Did you have an idea on this problem?