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XOR operator doesn't show in CRbasic correctly

Nigel Apr 9, 2017 11:32 PM

Hi, I've recently upgrade loggernet(admin) software to 4.4.2

I've noticed a programme I have created in an earlier version where I use XOR now doesn't seem to show the logic command XOR as the OR shows and also as the "if then endif " .

Doesn't matter if the choice is singular or multiple arguments

The programme seems to work, just the CRbasic editor doesn't show that it is correct.


 If SCANFailSafe = true XOR iopausedOVERIDE = true Then
               'bypass SCAN processing if failsafe true, later stage sets pause
               'Attempt to keep S::CAN coms alive wilst waiting to run
               'RCeMeasMode check, if greater than zero or minus then coms error and SCAN will reboot

'more code



If (IOtemperature = true OR IObattery = true OR IOpause = true OR IOprocess = true OR SCANFailSafe = true) XOR iopausedOVERIDE = true Then
               Paused = true
               scanTIMER = 0'reset counters
               SampleTimer = 0
               ChamberTimer =0
               Paused = false
               'Rinse counter
               'This routine checks volumes of chambers, when close to trigger volume the master chamber is rinsed.
               'Rinsing takes a NO3-N_mg/l measurement to check dilution

'more code


Nigel Apr 9, 2017 11:40 PM

Just checked 4.40 and the XOR operator hightlights blue as OR and AND, if then else endif

In 4.4.2 XOR doesn't hightlight, however it still seems to work in the logger.

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