What is the code within the CR300 program to query the RSSI value from the datalogger's radio? I'm not seeing it in the status table. Specifically I have a CR300-RF407. Thanks,
value = Settings.RadioRSSI
value2 = Settings.RadioRSSIAddr
First one give you the RSSI value, the second one gives you the address of the device it used/heard when determining the RSSI value.
That's not working for me, Gary - I get a compile error. I tried "status" and that compiles and returns a value:
value = Status.RadioRSSI
value2 = Status.RadioRSSIAdd
I have 5 leaf loggers and am pulling in data to the 6th (hub) using GetVariables.Is it just kind of random which radio reports its RSSI, or if put an RSSI query after each GetVariable?
I'm guessing the beacon interval controls how often RSSI value is updated?
Status / Settings they should be interchangeable. I will look into why Settings isn't working.
Yes, Beacons, or GetVeriables/SendVariables. It's just last traffic heard on the RF/radio network.
Is this status command used through terminal emulator? Or within a CR300 program? I have tried implementing the CR1000 program from the RF407 manual on page 24 [CRBasic Example 11-1. Retrieving RSSI Information] but no luck. Any advice on optimizing the Yagi orientation would be greatly appreciated.
todd_c, this is within a CR300 program.
Yagi are pointed toward the other communicating antenna. Raise it up, typically the higher the better. Mostly the spines are vertical, but we've had (sometimes better) success aligning spines horizontally when shooting low over water.
I'd like something more quantative while pointing my yagis. I still do not see how the above command "Status.RadioRSSI" would be executed in a program.
Here's what i gathered from the RF400 manual - but it doesn't work on a CR300 -
Const RFPBA = 5 'Set PakBus address of the RF407-series Node
Const Neigh = -1 'Set neighbor address, -1 = Auto Discover, or 0 = No neighbor
Public Result, RFstatus(2)
Public value, value2
Alias RFstatus(1) = RSSI 'Received signal strength indicator
Alias RFstatus(2) = PBA 'Address of the last received communication
'Main Program
Scan (1,Sec,0,0) getVariables(Result,ComRF,Neigh,RFPBA,0000,0,"Public","RFSignalLevel",RFstatus(),2)