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Control RV50 with a control Port (5 Vdc)

GRM May 4, 2017 03:42 PM


The manual of the RV50 (from Campbell) states that is possible to control power to the RV50 using 12V, SW12 or a control port connected to the white cable, i want to confirm if is possibe to control power to the RV50 with a control port connected to the white cable (5 volt output) of course 12 volt connected to red wire and G connected to black wire

Thank you

JDavis May 4, 2017 08:36 PM

Yes, as stated in the manual, the 5V from a control port is enough to switch the modem on.

GRM May 4, 2017 10:39 PM

Thanks!! Great i need the SW12 for other sensors


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