I am unable to retrieve a program from a CR800. I get the error "This action is not supported by the station, or there is no program to retrieve".
I initially attempted to retrieve the program via internet connection, which worked for all the other CR800s in the network. Upon failure, I attempted to retrieve while directly connecedt to the logger in the field via the RS-232 port, and received the same error message.
The CR800 lists the correct program on the connect screen, and it is running properly as the data is being received at the base station.
It seems like someone else had a similar issue and found the solution, but it is not listed.
Is there another way to retrieve a program aside from the connect screen, or are there suggested steps to resolve the error?
Try using File Control.
We have a couple of videos that show you how to use File Control:
Thank you both for the suggestions. Knowing a second way to manage the logger's files will be useful moving forward.
I ended up attempting a power cycle yesterday afternoon after I posted, and it caused the datalogger to lose its program. I recreated the program, and once I sent it via direct connect I was able to retrieve the program from the base station as expected.
I am confused about what caused the logger to lose its program. I initially suspected the internal battery, but its voltage is around 3.3, which is well above the 2.7V replacement point. If there are any other possible culprits I'd be glad to hear about them.
Thanks again
File systems on the datalogger can be corrupted when the datalogger has a memory leak. We do our best to fix these as we find them. Make sure you are running the latest operating system in your datalogger. We have fixed many of these type bugs in the latest revsion (31.03).