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Modem COM110A (Dynamic IP addresses)

Ifapa16 May 8, 2017 07:03 AM

Good Morning,

I have a problem when connecting the modem COM110A (GPRS), since the type of card I have is dynamic IP, and in the manual does not explain this option very clearly.

Can anyone help me and can you explain step by step what should I do?

Thank you

aps May 8, 2017 09:11 AM

With a private, dynamic address you either need the logger to "call-back" to a Loggernet server or to send data by some other means, such as email or ftp.    You could also consider the Konect routing service (see the blog on our website about this).

It the IP address is public but dynamic you can in addition embed code in your program to track your IP address with a commerical IP tracking service, such as Dyndns, and the call the modem by the URL you are assigned.  This option is unsupported by CS but there are several posts in this forum showing how to do this.  

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