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Call back wait failed

Jamal May 8, 2017 12:00 PM


I'm using Call-Back option to communicate with my CR1000 datalogger. But I can not access my logger over IP.

This is what LogTool displays:

"2017-05-08 12:57:27 PM","IPPort_21","S","Socket Connected","","49255"
"2017-05-08 12:57:27 PM","IPPort_21","S","Provider opened"
"2017-05-08 12:57:27 PM","IPPort_21","F","Call-back wait failed"
"2017-05-08 12:57:27 PM","IPPort_21","F","unexpected socket close","10053","software caused connection abort"
"2017-05-08 12:57:28 PM","IPPort_21","S","Starting wait for callback"
"2017-05-08 12:57:29 PM","IPPort_21","S","Waiting for connection on port 9092"
"2017-05-08 12:57:52 PM","IPPort_21","S","Socket Connected","","49257"
"2017-05-08 12:57:52 PM","IPPort_21","S","Provider opened"
"2017-05-08 12:57:52 PM","IPPort_21","F","Call-back wait failed"
"2017-05-08 12:57:52 PM","IPPort_21","F","unexpected socket close","10053","software caused connection abort"
"2017-05-08 12:57:53 PM","IPPort_21","S","Starting wait for callback"
"2017-05-08 12:57:54 PM","IPPort_21","S","Waiting for connection on port 9092"


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