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Read IR120 wit a Arduino Board

quiqueapolo May 29, 2017 11:53 AM


I have a Datalogger CR100 to connect two IR120. However, I have a problem. I need to measure in a plot that is very far from datalogger. So I want to test one IR120 with a Arduino Board. This is possible? Somenoe try something like that?

What kind of code I must to use for it?

Thanks in advanced!

smile May 31, 2017 08:15 PM


I think IR120 is too sophisticated probe to be used with arduino. A few days ago I was curious about ardunino, which I do not know, but I think since as the ADC converter is only 10 bit, you would have a too big resolution.
The remote connection you have with arduous or no, you can use it with other CS logger and get the data to the CR1000 master.


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