I'm noticing on one of our weather stations that the output from our WXT520 is outputting a bunch of NANs after a few days of running. If I just recycle the power on the CR3000 datalogger, everything's fine again for a few days. I don't see a pattern by looking at the data.
Any suggestions on how to diagnose this?
If it happens again, try cycling power on the WXT520 without cycling power on the CR3000.
How do I do that? Disconnect the power wire and reconnect?
Is there a way to do this programmatically?
You can unplug the power wire, or remove the terminal strip.
You could do it programatically if the power wire is connected to SW12-1 or SW12-2.
Thanks. I'll try that in a few days and see what happens.
I suppose I could reprogram and if I get a few consecutive samples with NANs, I could recycle the power using one of the SW12's. That doesn't tell me why I'm getting the NANs though.