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CR6 Modbus Master Problem

kcopeland Jul 9, 2017 11:17 PM

Hi All-

I'm using a CR6 to act as a master to a device.  This device outputs 5 16-bit integers.  If a request is made to an invalid register then the whole request fails.  I am using Modbus Poll to validate that the device is working properly.  It looks like the CR6 is requesting 10 values even though I'm only asking for 5 16-bit unsigned integers.  Here is my modbus master parameter over TC/IP:

  ModbusMaster (MBResult(),Socket,38400,10,4,Data(),401,5,2,50,3)

This outputs the following modbus hex statement:

T 00 0B 00 00 00 06 0A 04 01 90 00 0A

From the last "0A" parameter, it shows that it is still requesting 10 values instead of 5.  The same request made using Modbus Poll shows a hex string of:

T 6A 00 00 00 06 0A 04 01 90 00 05

What am I missing here?



JDavis Jul 10, 2017 05:20 PM

Did you remember to declare your variables as type Long?

kcopeland Jul 10, 2017 05:34 PM

So simple... Thanks Jacob.  Can you help me understand why the variable type affects the modbus master call?

JDavis Jul 10, 2017 06:53 PM

If your variable is of type float, it will always request two registers per value. Longs are handled differently depending on the ModbusOption parameter chosen.

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