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How to control a SDM-CD16AC with CR1000

texagg98 Aug 16, 2017 12:58 PM

I have a bank of 17 valves that I need to trigger sequentially; my goal is to sample 17 different gas streams for five minutes each in a loop.  I want to allow four minutes for the sample to stabilize (fairly long sample tube runs to the instrument) and then capture the last one minute of measurements from the instrument.

I have a CR1000 and was planning to use one control port to trigger one valve and handle the remaining valves with a SDM-CD16AC, but I'm having a bit of deciphering the documentation to determine how to structure the "Source" parameter.

Is it simply a binary representation of the channels that should be triggered, akin to the command used for the SDM-IO16?

JDavis Aug 16, 2017 02:36 PM

This is from the help in CRBasic:


Source                 The Source parameter is an array (dimensioned as Float, Long, or Boolean) which holds the values that will be sent to the SDM-CD16AC to enable/disable its ports. An SDM-CD16AC has 16 ports; therefore, in most instances the source array should be dimensioned to 16 times the number of Repetitions (the number of SDM-CD16AC devices to be controlled). As an example, with the array CDCtrl(32), the value held in CDCtrl(1) will be sent to port 1, the value held in CDCtrl(2) will be sent to port 2, etc. The value held in CDCtrl(32) would be sent to port 16 on the second SDM-CD16AC. 

You store your valve settings in an array.Off is 0. Anything other than 0 is on.

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