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NRG 110S Temp Sensor and RH-5X relative humdity sensor with a CR1000 datalogger

dionmanu Jul 8, 2011 03:40 PM

Hello Everyone,

My struggle to program a CR1000 for NRG sensors continues as I am now dealing with a couple new sensors with limited information on them.

The task is to get 10 minute averages of two temp sensors and two RH sensors using a sampling rate of 2 seconds. Here is what have as code for that:

Public AirTC
Public AirTC_2
Public RH
Public RH_2
Public TenMinID
Units AirTC= Deg C
Units AirTC_2= Deg C
Units RH=%
Units RH_2=%


Average (1,AirTC,FP2,0)
Average (1,AirTC_2,FP2,0)
Average (1,RH,FP2,0)
Average (1,RH_2,FP2,0)



TenMinID = 123




The two sensors specifications could be find here:
#110S Temp sensor:http://www.nrgsystems.com/sitecore/content/Products/1906.aspx?pf=StandardSensors
RH-5X RH sensor:http://www.nrgsystems.com/sitecore/content/Products/4415.aspx?pf=StandardSensors

What do you guys think of that code?


* Last updated by: dionmanu on 7/13/2011 @ 8:02 AM *

dionmanu Jul 13, 2011 01:53 PM

Does anyone have any experience with those sensors or any recommendation regarding their program with a CR1000?


Msindisi Jun 4, 2015 11:05 AM

I am also having this problem. My code is more or less the same as yours Dionmanu but the reading I'm getting are completely off. Someone please help. I am working on a project for a big wind prospecting company and I need this information ASAP

ZooKeeper Jun 4, 2015 02:05 PM

The key is to remember that the datalogger makes voltage measurements in millivolts not volts. The following should work thought I don't the the sensors to verify.

'NRG 110S with 0 - 2500mV = -86.38°C to +52.5°C
VoltSe (Temp_C,1,mV2500,1,1,0,_60Hz,0.05555,-86.38)

'NRG RH-5X with 0 - 5000mV = 0% to 100% RH
VoltSe (RH,1,mV5000,2,1,0,_60Hz,0.02,0)

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