測定項目 | 多孔質媒体(土壌など)の体積水分含有量(VWC) |
必要なシステム | HS2 はスタンドアロンシステムです。 |
土壌適合性 | 短いロッドは硬い土壌に簡単に設置できます。電気伝導率の高い土壌に適しています。 |
ロッド | 交換可能 |
センサ | 交換可能なセンサ。12 cm と 20 cm センサを交換できます。 |
ディスプレイ |
ディスプレイ | 128 x 64 ピクセルのグラフィック LCD |
バックライト | 青と白の LED (明るさ調節可能) |
GPS 精度 |
Bluetooth 範囲 | 約 10 m (~30 ft) |
データ保存 | > 1000 レコード (リングメモリ) |
ゾーン保存 | > 100 レコード |
電源 | 6 Vdc、単三電池 4 本 |
バッテリー寿命 | 6 ~ 12 か月 (一般的な使用において) |
寸法 | 200 x 100 x 58 mm (7.9 x 3.9 x 2.3 in.) |
重量 | 340 g (12 oz) |
ディスプレイの標準的な消費電力 |
スリープ | 20 µA |
バックライトオフ | 2 mA |
バックライト 60% | 18 mA |
バックライト 100% | 30 mA |
GPS 有効 | 35 mA |
Bluetooth 有効 | 30 mA |
プローブオプション |
-注意- | CS659 と CS658 はロッドを共有できません。 |
水分含有量の正確度 |
体積水分含有量の分解能 | < 0.05% |
体積水分含有量の範囲 | 0% ~ 50% VWC |
ケーブルの種類 | スパイラル |
ケーブルの長さ | 250 cm (98 in.) 伸縮します |
ロッドの直径 | 5 mm (0.14 in.) |
ロッドの長さ |
本体の寸法 | 100 x 92 x 40 mm (3.9 x 3.6 x 1.6 in.) |
重量 | 450 g (15.9 oz) |
Current version of the HydroSense II Support Software.
HS2に関するよくある質問の数: 19
No. The displays and sensors are not interchangeable between the HydroSense and HydroSense II.
A VWC reading of (---) indicates either that the water content of the soil is greater than 50% or that the EC (electrical conductivity) of the soil is out of range. For more information, see Sections 6.3,, and of the HS2 Instruction Manual.
The water content data file is configured as ring memory, and it can hold more than 1,000 values. When the file becomes full, the oldest data are overwritten and storage continues.
The zone data file, in contrast, is configured as fill-and-stop memory. The zone data file holds a list of zones that have been created. A zone is created each time a datum is stored in a new location. Each zone record contains the center position (latitude and longitude), radius in meters, and the zone name. The zone data file can hold more than 100 zones, but when the zone data file is full, the DISK FULL error is displayed, and a new zone cannot be created until an old zone is removed. To remove a zone, follow these steps:
No. The original HydroSense was not capable of storing data. The HS2 produces a CSV file that can be merged into an existing data file used for HydroSense data. However, the CSV output file from the HS2 will include additional parameters that were not measured by the original HydroSense.
A detailed comparison can be found in Table 4-1 in the "Overview" section of the HS2 Instruction Manual.
When Deficit Mode is used, a value greater than 100% RWC indicates that the water content is above the wet reference. For more information, see the "Water Deficit Data" subsection in the "Operation" section of the HS2 Instruction Manual.
No. The HS2 uses Bluetooth communication.
Yes. See the "Connecting via Bluetooth" subsection in the "Data Storage and Retrieval" section of the HS2 Instruction Manual.
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