HUB-SDM8 8-Channel Hub for SDM Peripherals and Power Connections
Ideal for the SDM and power cable extensions
気象 applications 水 applications エネルギー applications ガスフラックスと乱流 applications インフラ applications 土壌 applications


The HUB-SDM8 is intended for customers who want to connect up to five external SDMs to the same data logger, as well as run multiple power connections using 16 AWG wire. The HUB-SDM8 comprises an environmental enclosure with eight compression fittings (two larger) and eight terminal strips.


  • Spring-loaded guillotine terminals for easy wire connection
  • Compression fittings for cable entry that provide a more water-tight seal



Compression Fittings 8
Terminal Strips 3 spring-loaded guillotine connections per terminal (Two terminals in common through a jumper create 8 banks.)
Dimensions 17.78 x 20.32 x 12.7 cm (7 x 8 x 5 in.)
Weight 884.5 g (1.95 lb)


Data Logger to HUB-SDM8 CABLE5CBL-L connects the HUB-SDM5 to 12V, Ground, and control ports of the data logger.
HUB-SDM8 to Individual SDM Devices For each SDM, one CABLE5CBL-L cable connects the HUB-SDM8 terminal to 12V, Ground, and control ports.


When the HUB-SDM8 is used as a peripheral in an SDM application, compatible data loggers are any that are SDM compatible.


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