This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CS305-ET.
LI200X-ET LI-COR Pyranometer, Fixed Calibration, for ET Station, 40 inch cable
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 対応
フリーサポート 非対応


For this version of the LI200X pyranometer, the cable terminates in a connector and is the ideal length for attachment to the ET106 ETo Weather Station. The LI200X measures total sun and sky solar radiation using a silicon photocell. An epoxy-encased completion circuit standardizes each sensor's calibration, allowing individual sensors to be interchanged without altering multiplier and offset values. The sensor should not be used under vegetation or artificial lights.



LI200X-ETに関するよくある質問の数: 2

  1. The information included on a calibration sheet differs with each sensor. For some sensors, the sheet contains coefficients necessary to program a data logger. For other sensors, the calibration sheet is a pass/fail report.

  2. This depends on the information contained in the calibration sheet:

    • If the calibration sheet contains coefficient information, Campbell Scientific keeps a copy, and a replacement copy can be requested.
    • If the calibration sheet does not contain coefficients, Campbell Scientific does not keep a copy. It may be possible to contact the original manufacturer for a replacement copy.

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