
LOGAN, Utah – Larry Shirk has been appointed vice president of manufacturing by the board of directors at Campbell Scientific, Inc. In his new position, Shirk not only assumes manufacturing management responsibilities, but he also takes on broader responsibilities as a corporate officer.

Shirk's previous positions at Campbell Scientific, as both the director of manufacturing and the quality manager, have equipped him with the knowledge and experience to meet the challenges of his new role. Campbell Scientific’s president, Paul Campbell, expressed the board's confidence in the appointment by saying, "Larry has been with the company for many years, and those who know Larry recognize that this is a natural step for both the company and Larry."

Campbell Scientific, Inc., is a worldwide manufacturer of dataloggers, data acquisition systems, and measurement and control products. Campbell Scientific’s mission is to satisfy the instrumentation needs of their customers by providing versatile and reliable products that can withstand harsh, remote environments. To learn more about Campbell Scientific, Inc., or to ask questions of the company’s highly trained technical and sales support team, please visit www.campbellsci.com.

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