

LOGAN, UTAH — Structural health monitoring (SHM) data-acquisition (DAQ) systems are often made complicated by long sensor cables, systems that cannot be adapted to specific projects, and a need to be regularly replaced.

In response to these obstacles, Campbell Scientific has created the GRANITE™ series, a modular DAQ that can be centralized or distributed and is guaranteed to work for many years to come, reducing total cost of ownership and operation. A wide range of measurement modules facilitate channel expansion and flexibility for all critical SHM measurements.

Modular components allow you to customize a DAQ for any application. Distributed systems simplify sensor installation and decrease the length of cables, saving you time and money. High-speed, GPS-synchronized data can be collected and sent to a PC and displayed in real-time. Data can also be communicated through Ethernet and several wireless options including built-in Wi-Fi.

Campbell Scientific has a track record of rugged equipment operating in harsh environments for 15–30 years without failure. The new GRANITE™ series brings you the most up-to-date and innovative technology without sacrificing Campbell Scientific’s trademark reliability. In addition to high quality equipment, the GRANITE™ line is backed by a global network of 14 offices and over 45 years of scientific and engineering experience to help you succeed.

To learn more about the applications of GRANITE™ in the structural health monitoring industry, or to ask questions of the company’s highly trained technical and sales support team, please visit campbellsci.com/structural-health-monitoring.

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