
MesoPRO Research-Grade Mesonet Station

LOGAN, UTAH — Many large groups of users depend on mesonets (large, high-grade environmental monitoring networks) for vital weather information. These networks need to provide consistent, reliable data that users can trust for years, even decades.

The scientists and engineers at Campbell Scientific understand the importance of quality data, even in harsh, remote locations. They created the durable MesoPRO™ research-grade mesonet station, a specialized, network-ready system in the new PRO series of weather stations.

The MesoPRO has longevity built in, with field-proven dataloggers and sensors. It includes an industrial 4G LTE cellular network modem and a rugged 10-meter tower for long-term installations. Thousands of mesonet stations are already running with Campbell Scientific instruments, some since the 1970s and 1980s. Campbell dataloggers are highly programmable, allowing for changes and expansion as user needs grow.

The research-grade, high-quality data from the MesoPRO can be used to calculate many weather-related parameters. These include evapotranspiration, growing-degree days, wind chill, and dew point. And the system is fully customizable, with capacity for more sensors and peripherals.

With information coming from stations in so many locations, short- and medium-term weather forecasting can be improved down to the local scale. Locale-specific weather alerts can be issued, and climate monitoring can be performed on a regional basis.

To learn more about the MesoPRO, or to ask questions of the company’s highly trained technical and sales support team, please visit: www.campbellsci.com/new-mesopro.

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