
WxPRO Entry-Level Research-Grade Wether Station

LOGAN, UTAH — Environmental research and climate monitoring require reliable, accurate data. But researchers often face severe budget limitations in the early phases of their projects, while still needing to find complete, well-designed solutions. The scientists and engineers at Campbell Scientific understand the importance of quality data, and the realities of tight budgets.

For an economical solution to your need for quality data, Campbell Scientific created the affordable, research-grade WxPRO™ entry-level weather station. Part of the new PRO series of weather stations, this station is designed to be lower in cost, great for a variety of demanding applications.

The datalogger and sensors provide research-grade, defensible data. The tripod is adjustable for uneven terrain, and the weather-resistant enclosure and sturdy mounts keep the system secure in extreme environments.

The WxPRO weather station is equipped to measure typical weather-related parameters, while still fully customizable for specific needs. The latest communication options and peripherals are available so that researchers can access data from remote locations. Campbell components require little power and can function for long deployments at unattended sites.

To learn more about the WxPRO, or to ask questions of the company’s highly trained technical and sales support team, please visit: www.campbellsci.com/new-wxpro.

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