This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: 34029.
17200 Battery Power Cable for PS100 or PS150


The 17200 cable connects the PS100 or PS150 power supply to its internal pn 6182 sealed rechargeable battery. The cable can also be used to connect the CH150 or CH200 regulator to a BP12 or BP24 battery. Because the 17200 is fitted with slip-on connectors that attach to the battery posts, it can be disconnected and replaced. The battery cable is 7 in. long.




The 17200 cable connects the PS100 or PS150 power supply to its internal pn 6182 sealed rechargeable battery. The cable can also be used to connect the CH150 or CH200 regulator to a BP12 or BP24 battery. Because the 17200 is fitted with slip-on connectors that attach to the battery posts, it can be disconnected and replaced.

Earlier versions of the PS100 Power Supply did not include the 17200 cable. In the earlier PS100 design, the leads were soldered onto the #6182 battery posts.


Cable Length 17.78 cm (7 in.)


The 17200 can be used with the PS100, PS150, CH150, CH200, 17057, and 22238 power supplies.

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