We've added a couple of new features to our online Customer Center that may interest you. The Customer Center is a relatively new resource on our website that provides services to help you manage your dealings with Campbell Scientific. In the past, we've offered price list downloads, newsletter subscriptions, and returned-materials-authorization (RMA) instructions. Recent additions include email notifications for new software and operating systems (OS) and the ability to update your contact information.

Software and OS Notifications
We are constantly updating product operating systems and software programs.  We offer many of these as downloads from our website at www.campbellsci.com/downloads.  In the past, if you wanted to know when a new OS or software patch was available, you had to monitor the website or contact someone at Campbell Scientific.  To keep you up to date on our latest offerings, we've created a feature that allows you to mark the downloads for which you want notifications and then later receive notifications by email when new versions are available from the website.

To use this new feature, log in to the Customer Center and select Software and OS Notifications.

Contact Information Updates
If you've changed your mailing address, phone number, email address,  or other contact information, this feature allows you to update our database so we can stay in contact with you.

Log in to your Customer Center account to take advantage of these new services.  If you haven't created a Customer Center account, you can do so by visiting the the registration page.  Please let us know if you have ideas for additional services that would benefit you.
