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更新日: 26-08-2021

Three example programs that measure the temperature sensors on the CS230/CS231 probe. The number of temperature sensors and the SDI-12 control terminal are entered as constants at the beginning of the programs to allow users to easily change them to match their application. The example programs support the CR6 and CR1000X data loggers. Programs for other dataloggers will be similar.

The cs231.CRB program measures 15 sensors with SDI-12 addresses 1 through 9 and A through F. Every 60 s, the aR0! command polls each temperature sensor, then the data is stored in a table. Other common station data is measured every 60 seconds and stored to a daily data table.

The cs231-slow.CRB program measures 20 temperature sensors with SDI-12 addresses 1 through 9 and A through F. The program uses the SlowSequence instruction and the aR0! command to poll each temperature sensor every 60 seconds. The temperature sensor data is stored to a data table on the same interval. Other common station data is measured every 5 seconds and stored to daily and hourly data tables.

The cs231-metdata.CRB program measures 15 sensors with SDI-12 addresses 1 through 9 and A through F. Each temperature sensor is polled on power up and daily with the aR1! command to determine metadata, which is stored in a daily data table. Other common station data is measured every 60 seconds and stored to a separate daily data table.