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A200 Sensor to PC Interface USB Drivers for the Windows operating system.  32 and 64 bit support for... 詳細はこちら

A205 USB Drivers for the Windows operating system. 32 and 64 bit support for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows... 詳細はこちら

A2Control Software 1.5.5 (27.8 MB) 21-03-2025

A2Control software to control and configure the AL205B and AL205R. 詳細はこちら

AL200 ALERT & ALERT2 OS 6.0 (649 KB) 01-12-2023

Current AL200 operating system for ALERT and ALERT2. Requires the Device Configuration Utility to update the operating system... 詳細はこちら

AL200 USB Drivers 2.08.28 (1.64 MB) 05-03-2013

AL200 USB Drivers for the Windows operating system. 32 and 64 bit support for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista... 詳細はこちら

AL205B Firmware 1.5.5 (34.7 MB) 21-03-2025

Current firmware for the AL205B. 詳細はこちら

AL205E Firmware 6.1.1 (571 KB) 08-06-2020

Current firmware for the AL205E. 詳細はこちら

AL205R Firmware 1.5.5 (34.7 MB) 21-03-2025

Current firmware for the AL205R. 詳細はこちら

Current ALERT205 operating system and web interface. ALERTLink software/firmware requirements: ALERT205 UI (version 2.00 and greater) requires that the... 詳細はこちら

ALERT Configuration Tool 1.1 (47.7 MB) 30-06-2016

A software utility used to configure the ALERT210.  詳細はこちら

CR6, CR1000X, and CR300 programs demonstrating taking multiple measurements using an AM16/32B relay multiplexer. Examples cover single-ended, differential,... 詳細はこちら

AP200 CR1000 Program 2.01 (31.3 KB) 12-01-2021

AP200 CR1000(X) Program. Compatible with the LI-850. Note: For those with the LI-840 contact Campbell Scientific for compatible code. 詳細はこちら

AVW200 OS 06 (551 KB) 10-06-2016

Current AVW200 firmware. Use the Device Configuration Utility version 1.13 or greater to send firmware and to configure... 詳細はこちら

Backup and Restore Tutorial - (2.31 MB) 29-07-2008

Tutorial that demonstrates the Network Backup and Restore features of LoggerNet. 詳細はこちら

BALER Patch 4.0 (3.7 MB) 08-02-2010

RETIRED PRODUCT Upgrade Baler version 2.2 or 3.4 to 4.0; no intermediate steps are required. 詳細はこちら

BaroVue10 OS 1.4 (466 KB) 17-04-2023

Current OS for the BaroVue10. 詳細はこちら

BaroVue10 Program Example (1 KB) 28-03-2023

Description: Includes an SDI-12 example and a RS-232-serial program example. The programs are written for a CR1000X, but... 詳細はこちら

This program was written for a CR1000X data logger. Program code of other data loggers will be similar.... 詳細はこちら

Campbell Viewpoint (86 MB) 09-10-2019

Campbell Viewpoint is viewing software designed to accompany the Campbell Scientific optical sensor range, including the CS135 ceilometer,... 詳細はこちら

CC5MPX OS 1.25.1 (13.8 MB) 24-06-2019

Current CC5MPX Camera Operating System. Note: Do not extract the firmware update file “CC5MPX_FW_1_25_1.tar.gz”.This compressed file gets sent to... 詳細はこちら

CC5MPX PIC OS 2.0 (18 Kb) 18-11-2014

Current firmware for the CC5MPX Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) Note: In order for the CC5MPX to accept the PIC... 詳細はこちら

CC640 OS 1.52 (58.5 KB) 26-11-2009

Current CC640 firmware. Note:Device Configuration Utility 1.15 or newer is required for compatibility. 詳細はこちら

CCFC Firmware 2.9 (23.0 MB) 29-09-2023

Latest firmware for the CCFC Field Camera. Why Update? This OS resolves an issue where the CCFC camera many... 詳細はこちら

CCFC Program Examples (15 KB) 21-07-2021

Description: The example programs provide the following functions:  (1) add GPS coordinates using the CCFCGPSLatitude and CCFCGPSLongitude instructions;... 詳細はこちら

CD295 OS 2.07 (681 KB) 24-08-2010

Current CD295 firmware. The Device Configuration Utility is used to update the CD295 with the new firmware. 詳細はこちら

CDM-A100 OS 06.03 (606 KB) 09-05-2023

Execution of this download installs the CDM-A108 / CDM-A116 Operating System on your computer which can then be uploaded to... 詳細はこちら

CDM-VW300/305 OS 6 (561 KB) 21-04-2020

Execution of this download installs the CDM-VW300/305 Operating System on your computer for upload to the CDM-VW300/305 device... 詳細はこちら

CDM-VW300 Example Programs (45.4 KB) 23-05-2013

CRBasic program examples for use with the CDM-VW300 and CDM-VW305. 詳細はこちら

CELL2XX example programs (6 KB) 22-06-2021

Three example programs as described in the CELL200-Series manual. The Power program shows how to control power to... 詳細はこちら

To update the CELL200 series operating system: Connect a USB cable between your module and computer. Open a... 詳細はこちら

CH200 / PS200 OS 11 (434 KB) 24-04-2020

Execution of this download installs the CH200 / PS200 Operating System on your computer.   Note: The Device Configuration Utility... 詳細はこちら

CH201 Example Programs 2 (3 KB) 11-01-2022

Two CR1000X data logger programs that monitor the CH201. One example program uses RS-232, and the other example... 詳細はこちら

CH201 OS 3.0 (431 KB) 29-03-2024

Execution of this download installs the CH201 Operating System on your computer.   Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used... 詳細はこちら

This example CR1000X program uses the M1! SDI-12 command to retrieve 100 burst measurements from a ClariVue 10... 詳細はこちら

Two example programs are included that read the ClimaVue 40 data using a CR1000X data logger and the... 詳細はこちら

An example CR1000X program that uses the R7! SDI-12 command to retrieve data. The program adjusts the barometric... 詳細はこちら

COM220 OS 05 (671 KB) 23-11-2011

Execution of this download installs the COM220 Operating System on your computer. Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to... 詳細はこちら

COM310 Examples (5 KB) 22-04-2008

CR1000 CRBasic program examples showing COM310 data callback and voice support. 詳細はこちら

COM320 Firmware 4.0 (621 KB) 28-01-2010

Execution of this download installs the COM320 Operating System on your computer.   Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used... 詳細はこちら

COM320 USB Driver () 01-01-2014

Windows USB driver for the COM320 are distributed with the Device Configuration Utililty. In the Device Configuration Utility, click... 詳細はこちら

Micrometeorology Group (435) 227-9100. 詳細はこちら

CPI Calculator 1.0 (2.49 MB) 06-07-2016

The CPI Calculator is a downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used to estimate the usage and capacity of a... 詳細はこちら

CR1000 OS 32.07 (4.60 MB) 15-05-2024

Execution of this download installs the CR1000 Operating System and Compiler on your computer.  It also updates the... 詳細はこちら

CR1000X program measures the CNR4 and controls the CNF4 heater/ventilator based on environmental conditions, and monitors the CNF4... 詳細はこちら

CR1000X program that uses differential terminals to measure the four radiation outputs and one excitation terminal and one... 詳細はこちら

CR1000X programs that use the MSSET and MSGET commands. 詳細はこちら

CR1000X programs that read continuous data and polled data and use the SET, SETNC, and GET commands. The... 詳細はこちら

CR1000X(e) OS 8.01 (6.54 MB) 26-09-2024

This download is for the CR1000X and CR1000Xe dataloggers. Execution of this download places the Operating System file(.obj) on... 詳細はこちら

CR1000X program that measures the HFP01SC, performs the self-calibration, and checks for calibration validity. Refer to the manual... 詳細はこちら

CR200X Series OS 04 (1.29 MB) 22-09-2015

Execution of this download installs the Operating System and Compiler on your computer for the following dataloggers:CR200X, CR206X,... 詳細はこちら

CR295 GOES OS 10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Default operating system for the CR295 that supports transmission of data via GOES satellite.   Also included is the... 詳細はこちら

CR3000 program measures the Pt-100 sensor for the body temperature of the CNR4. This program requires four differential... 詳細はこちら

CR3000 OS 32.07 (4.39 MB) 15-05-2024

Execution of this download installs the CR3000 Operating System and Compiler on your computer.  It also updates the... 詳細はこちら

CR300 QuickStart Program (569 KB) 15-03-2016

The CRBasic program referenced in the CR300 QuickStart videos and manual. 詳細はこちら

CR300 Series OS 11.02 (5.19 MB) 06-02-2025

This download is for the CR300 series of dataloggers including all CR300 and CR310 models. Execution of this download... 詳細はこちら

Manufacturer chipset maintenance update. 詳細はこちら

CR350 OS 01.07 (5.30 MB) 06-02-2025

This download is for the CR350 datalogger. Execution of this download places the Operating System file(.obj) on your computer.... 詳細はこちら

CR6 OS 14.01 (8.56 MB) 26-09-2024

This download is for the CR6 datalogger. Execution of this download places the Operating System file(.obj) on your computer.... 詳細はこちら

This CR6-RF407 Series OS update is for the following: CR6-RF407 CR6-RF412 CR6-RF422 CR6-RF427  Use the Device Configuration Utility to perform this... 詳細はこちら

CR6 Wifi OS Update 5.02 (2.23 MB) 21-05-2021

CR6 Wi-Fi OS update. This download includes the OS and the update procedure. 詳細はこちら

CR800 OS 32.07 (4.41 MB) 15-05-2024

Execution of this download installs the CR800 Operating System and Compiler on your computer.  It also updates the... 詳細はこちら

CR9000X OS 6 (4.04 MB) 23-01-2012

Current Operating System, Compiler and CR9000X support files for the CRBasic Editor. Requires the Device Configuration Utility, LoggerNet... 詳細はこちら

CRBasicEditor Patch 3.8.1 (43 MB) 13-03-2020

Campbell Scientific has an option to buy the CRBasicEditor as a stand-alone product. This patch will upgrade the stand-alone... 詳細はこちら

CRVWx Firmware 4.04 (931 KB) 09-05-2023

Current version of the CRVWx firmware.  Requires the Device Configuration Utility to upload the firmware to the CRVWx. 詳細はこちら

CS110 Example programs 1 (3 kB) 05-05-2020

A CS110 weather station program and a CS110 transfer standard site calibration program. The weather station program measures... 詳細はこちら

CS120 Firmware 6 (1.51 MB) 10-08-2012

Includes the current CS120 firmware and the CS120 support files for the Device Configuration Utility. 詳細はこちら

CS125 and CS120A OS 17 (555 KB) 08-06-2023

Campbell Scientific has introduced a new operating system, OS 17, for the CS120A visibility sensor and CS125 present... 詳細はこちら

CS140-OS Release 10 10 (53 kB) 09-03-2021

Release Note for Operating System OS10 for the Campbell Scientific CS140 Background Luminance Sensor Campbell Scientific has introduced a... 詳細はこちら

CS140 Program Examples (5 KB) 15-03-2022

Four example CR1000X programs are included that use the POLL, SET, SETNC, and GET commands for the CS140.... 詳細はこちら

Three example programs that measure the temperature sensors on the CS230/CS231 probe. The number of temperature sensors and... 詳細はこちら

CS241DM Program Example (2 KB) 18-08-2021

CR6 example program that retrieves information from the input register of four CS241DM sensors, then averages the temperature... 詳細はこちら

CS241 OS 3.00 (426 KB) 20-08-2024

Includes the current CS241DM firmware. 詳細はこちら

CS241 Program Examples (2 kB) 15-06-2021

Includes two CR1000X example programs. One program measures the CS241 using the two-wire configuration and the other program... 詳細はこちら

CS250DM Example Program 1 (1 KB) 07-12-2020

The example CR6 program measures four CS250DM sensors, averages the four temperature measurements, and calculates the standard deviation... 詳細はこちら

CS255 Program Examples (4 KB) 26-08-2021

Three example programs that measure the temperature sensors on the CS225 probe. The number of temperature sensors and... 詳細はこちら

CS25 example programs 1 (5 kB) 29-01-2020

CR6, CR1000X, and CR300 programs that control the relay, measure the short circuit current for the reference and... 詳細はこちら

CS26 example programs 1 (5 kB) 29-01-2020

CR6, CR1000X, and CR300 programs that control the relay, measure the short circuit current for the reference and... 詳細はこちら

CS27 example programs 1 (5 kB) 29-01-2020

CR6, CR1000X, and CR300 programs that measure the short circuit current for the reference and test modules and... 詳細はこちら

CS320 Program Example (3 KB) 11-08-2021

Two example programs that use the M4! command to return solar radiation (W/m^2), raw millivolt value (mV), sensor... 詳細はこちら

Two CR1000X data logger programs that read the CS325DM measurements. An example program is included for each output... 詳細はこちら

CS45x Firmware 4 (472 KB) 22-03-2016

Includes the current firmware for the CS451 and CS456. 詳細はこちら

CS475A OS 3.11 (458 KB) 20-06-2022

Current OS for the CS475A. 詳細はこちら

Four programs are included: two CR1000X programs and two CR1000 programs. The first CR1000X and CR1000 programs measure... 詳細はこちら

CS650 / CS655 Firmware 2 (429 KB) 02-12-2015

Current CS650 and CS655 firmware.  Note:  The Device Configuration Utility and A200 Sensor-to-PC Interface are required to upload the... 詳細はこちら

CSAT3 (567 KB) 24-03-1998

PC support software for monitoring and configuring the CSAT3. 詳細はこちら

CSAT3B Example Programs 1 (4 kB) 20-10-2020

Three example programs.  Simple SDM Program: SDM communications are used to collect data from a single CSAT3B. Simple CPI Program:... 詳細はこちら

CR1000X datalogger programs for the CSAT3BH with SDM and CPI communications protocols.  Warning: This program is not intended for... 詳細はこちら

CSAT3BH CR6 Programs 2.03 (9 KB) 20-11-2020

CR6 datalogger programs for the CSAT3BH with SDM and CPI communications protocols.  Warning: This program is not intended for... 詳細はこちら

CSAT3 Binary to ASCII (33 KB) 15-02-2013

Program that converts a CSAT3 binary data set into ASCII format. Only compatible with data collected using the... 詳細はこちら

Program that converts a CSAT3 binary data set into ASCII format. Only compatible with data collected using the... 詳細はこちら

CSAT3B OS 3.02 (548 KB) 14-10-2019

Current CSAT3B Operating System. 詳細はこちら

Example CR1000, CR3000, and CR23 datalogger programs to measure the CSAT3 three dimensional ultrasonic anemometer. The programs include... 詳細はこちら

The CSAT3H Heater Controller ships with this encrypted program. This program is for the unlikely event that the... 詳細はこちら

Example Visual Basic program for collecting binary CSAT3 data using a PC and RS-232 communications. 詳細はこちら

Example datalogger programs for finding the optimal SDM baud rate. These programs are used to determine the appropriate... 詳細はこちら

CSI Web Server Patch 1.7 (37.8 MB) 22-05-2024

Campbell Scientific has an option to buy the CSI Web Server as a stand-alone product. This patch will upgrade... 詳細はこちら

CS SURVEYOR 1.03 (101 MB) 20-03-2025

CS SURVEYOR is a PC-based scientific data collection, statistical analysis, and visual display/graphing software package with an intuitive... 詳細はこちら

This program demonstrates creating a custom menu for data logger displays and corresponds to the Campbell Connections video:... 詳細はこちら

CWB100 Firmware 1.04 (711 KB) 10-06-2013

Latest firmware for the CWB100.   詳細はこちら

CWB100 USB Driver () 01-01-2014

Windows USB drivers for the CWB100 are installed via the Device Configuration Utililty. In the Device Configuration Utility, click on... 詳細はこちら

CWS220 Firmware 5 (442 KB) 30-03-2016

Latest firmware for the CWS220.   詳細はこちら

CWS655 Firmware 5 (433 KB) 30-03-2016

Latest firmware for the CWS655.   詳細はこちら

CWS900 Firmware 5 (448 KB) 30-03-2016

Latest firmware for the CWS900.   詳細はこちら

An introduction to data acquisition systems. 詳細はこちら

This is a data logger wiring diagram spreadsheet template that accompanies the Wiring Diagram Video. The spreadsheet includes... 詳細はこちら

Tutorial that demonstrates where to find Data Table memory allocation. This indicates how long it will take for... 詳細はこちら

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus... 詳細はこちら

DVW Tool Box 1.3 (13.4 MB) 04-11-2019

DVW Tool Box is an application-specific software tool for demonstration and evaluation of the CDM-VW300, CDM-VW305 and VWire... 詳細はこちら

CR1000X datalogger program for Campbell open-path eddy-covariance systems. 詳細はこちら

EasyFlux DL for CR3000 1.2 (50.1 KB) 04-04-2018

CR3000 datalogger program for Campbell open-path eddy-covariance systems. 詳細はこちら

EasyFlux DL for CR6CP 1.08 (132 KB) 13-06-2024

CR6 datalogger program for Campbell closed-path eddy-covariance systems. 詳細はこちら

EasyFlux DL for CR6OP 2.01 (98.2 KB) 21-07-2022

CR6 datalogger program for Campbell open-path eddy-covariance systems. 詳細はこちら

EasyFlux PC 1.0 (55.8 MB) 04-10-2017

EasyFlux® PC is a computer program that processes high frequency time series data, collected using a Campbell Scientific... 詳細はこちら

EC100 OS 8.02 (560 KB) 14-10-2019

EC100 Operating System. Watch the Video Tutorial: Updating the EC100 Operating System. 詳細はこちら

EC100 USB Drivers 2.08.28 (1.64 MB) 05-03-2013

EC100 USB Drivers for the Windows operating system. 32 and 64 bit support for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows... 詳細はこちら

ECMon 1.6 (10.7 MB) 29-03-2016

EC100-Series Support Software. 詳細はこちら

ET107 Default Programs (4 KB) 29-03-2021

One default program is for an ET107 with the 034B wind sensor and another default program is for... 詳細はこちら

ET107 ETsz Example Programs (290 KB) 23-06-2021

The ETsz() instruction requires the user to input lattitude, longitude, elevation, and crop type for a station's location... 詳細はこちら

File Control Tutorial - (2.0 MB) 19-01-2009

File Control is used to manage datalogger files.  Starting and stopping a program are shown in this tutorial. ... 詳細はこちら

German Language Pack 4.6 (769 KB) 13-04-2021

German language files for LoggerNet 4.6. Note: Language support is for the above listed version only. 詳細はこちら

View Pro is included with LoggerNet 4 and RTDAQ. This tutorial introduces some of the new features including... 詳細はこちら

A Granite 10 example program using CAN bus to query an ECU for the legislated PID values once... 詳細はこちら

Granite 10 OS 2.01 (6.66 MB) 04-05-2021

This OS should only be updated via direct connection with the Granite 10.  This download is for the Granite... 詳細はこちら

Granite 6 WiFi OS Update 5.01 (1.33 MB) 07-10-2020

Granite 6 Wi-Fi OS update. This download includes the Wi-Fi OS. 詳細はこちら

Granite 9 OS 2.01 (6.33 MB) 04-05-2021

This OS should only be updated via direct connection with the Granite 9.  This download is for the Granite... 詳細はこちら

Current Granite Temp 120 Operating System. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a USB micro cable.  詳細はこちら

HMP155A Example Programs (4 KB) 15-10-2021

Description: Example CR1000X programs that measure either the analog voltage or RS-485 output of the HMP155A. The analog... 詳細はこちら

HS2 OS 1.08 (518 KB) 28-08-2020

Current HS2 (Hydrosense II) firmware. 詳細はこちら

Hydro-Link is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from the datalogger. ... 詳細はこちら

Hydro-Link (German Version) is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from... 詳細はこちら

Hydro-Link (Zip File) 2.02.16 (66.2 MB) 14-06-2022

Hydro-Link is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from the datalogger.... 詳細はこちら

Hydro-Link (German Version) is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from... 詳細はこちら

HydroSci 1.2.1 (41.7 MB) 09-10-2017

HydroSci is used to configure and extract data from the CRS45X Recording Submersible Pressure Transducer and the OBS-3A... 詳細はこちら

Adds Chinese language support for version 1.2 of HydroSci. Note: Language support for the above listed version only. 詳細はこちら

HydroSoft 1.0.8 (5.16 MB) 26-07-2012

Current version of the HydroSense II Support Software. 詳細はこちら

Spreadsheet for calculating epoxy fill needed for road sensor installation 詳細はこちら

LevelVue B10 OS 2.1 (467 KB) 03-11-2021

Current LevelVue B10 Operating System. The Device Configuration Utility is used to send this Operating System to the... 詳細はこちら

LLAC4 Program Example (2 KB) 21-05-2024

Description: Includes two programs, one for a CR1000X and one for a CR350. Both programs measure three different wind... 詳細はこちら

LNDB Patch 2.0.1 (42.3 MB) 17-01-2025

Upgrades LNDB 2.x to 2.0.1. Note: This application requires the Microsoft .Net 3.5 and .Net 4.6.2 Frameworks.  If they... 詳細はこちら

LNDB Trial 2.0.1 (53.1 MB) 17-01-2025

A fully functional 30 day trial version of LNDB (LoggerNet DataBase) software. Note: This application requires the Microsoft .Net... 詳細はこちら

Upgrades for LoggerNet Linux are available by calling Campbell Scientific. 詳細はこちら

LoggerNet Patch 4.9 (419 MB) 02-10-2024

This patch will upgrade LoggerNet, LoggerNet Remote or LoggerNet Admin version 4.0 and newer to 4.9. A version... 詳細はこちら

LoggerNet Patch (Large) 3.4.1 (74.2 MB) 22-10-2007

This patch upgrades LoggerNet version 3.0 and newer to 3.4.1. A version of LoggerNet 3.x must be installed... 詳細はこちら

LoggerNet Remote Trial 4.9 (423 MB) 02-10-2024

This is a fully functional 30 day trial of the remote version of LoggerNet. Current LoggerNet users: It is... 詳細はこちら

LoggerNet SDK Patch 4.6 (21.2 MB) 22-04-2020

This patch upgrades LoggerNet SDK 4.0 and greater to version 4.6. 詳細はこちら

This patch upgrades LoggerNet Server SDK 4.0 and greater to version 4.6.  詳細はこちら

LoggerNet Trial 4.9 (423 MB) 02-10-2024

This is a fully functional 30 day trial of the standard version of LoggerNet. This is a trial... 詳細はこちら

LoggerTalk 2.0 (1.2 MB) 12-05-2006

Voice modem (COM310, COM300 and VS1) voice string editor used with the following dataloggers: CR10(X), CR510 and CR23X. 詳細はこちら

LR4 OS 1.3 (46 KB) 13-08-2014

Current LR4 firmware. Read the manual for the update procedure. 詳細はこちら

LS300G Template Files (411 KB) 14-11-2014

For use with the LS300 modem on  AT&T and other (GSM) networks. These template files are used with the Sierra... 詳細はこちら

MD485 OS 05 (583 KB) 06-04-2012

Current MD485 operating system. Requires the Device Configuration Utility. 詳細はこちら

MeteoPV OS 2.06 (1.36 MB) 26-03-2024

Current MeteoPV Operating System. 詳細はこちら

Three CR1000X data logger programs that read the MetSens200 measurements and sensor status. An example program is included... 詳細はこちら

Three CR1000X data logger programs that read the MetSens300 measurements and sensor status. An example program is included... 詳細はこちら

Three CR1000X data logger programs that read the MetSENS500 measurements and sensor status. An example program is included... 詳細はこちら

Three CR1000X data logger programs that read the MetSens550 measurements and sensor status. An example program is included... 詳細はこちら

Three CR1000X data logger programs that read the MetSens600 measurements and sensor status. An example program is included... 詳細はこちら

NL100 Firmware 10 (770 KB) 23-11-2011

Current NL100 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a 9-pin female to female NULL modem cable. 詳細はこちら

Windows USB drivers for the NL200 Series are installed via the Device Configuration Utililty. In the Device Configuration Utility, click... 詳細はこちら

NL200 / NL201 Firmware 10.03 (571 KB) 04-09-2018

Current NL200 / NL201 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a USB micro cable. Note: When updating to... 詳細はこちら

NL240 Drivers () 01-01-2014

Windows USB drivers for the NL240 are installed via the Device Configuration Utililty. In the Device Configuration Utility, click on... 詳細はこちら

NL240 Firmware 10.03 (671 KB) 04-09-2018

Current NL240 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a USB micro cable.  Note: When updating to OS 10.03... 詳細はこちら

NL241 Firmware 10.07 (1.44 MB) 04-03-2022

Current NL241 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a USB micro cable.  詳細はこちら

OBS500 Firmware 03 (441 KB) 24-04-2017

Latest firmware for the OBS500. 詳細はこちら

OBS-5+ Utility 5.50 (11.3 MB) 23-04-2010

Utility for the OBS-5+ sensor. 詳細はこちら

PC295 (1.91 MB) 16-12-2010

CD295 program generator. 詳細はこちら

PC400 4.8 (186 MB) 14-08-2024

PC400 is Campbell Scientific's free entry-level data logger support software. This versatile software supports a variety of telecommunication... 詳細はこちら

PC9000 Patch 5.3.1 (21.9 MB) 02-03-2007

RETIRED PRODUCT Upgrade PC9000 version 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 to 5.3.1; no intermediate steps are required. PC9000 5.0, 5.1,... 詳細はこちら

PCONNECTCE Patch 2.33 (1.65 MB) 22-05-2008

RETIRED PRODUCT Upgrade PConnectCE 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 to 2.33. PConnectCE 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 must be installed on your... 詳細はこちら

PCONNECT Patch 3.4 (1.5 MB) 22-12-2009

RETIRED PRODUCT Upgrade PConnect 3.0 thru 3.3 to version 3.4. PConnect 3.0 or newer must be installed on your... 詳細はこちら

PC-OPC Demo 2.1 (1.1 MB) 28-09-2006

Current demo version of our PC-OPC software 詳細はこちら

PC-TDR 3.0 (7.34 MB) 15-12-2016

Support software designed for the TDR200 and is also compatible with the retired TDR100 Time-Domain Reflectometer. 詳細はこちら

Power Budget Spreadsheet 1.03 (1.00 MB) 12-03-2019

This is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used to estimate a power budget for Campbell Scientific systems. Power Budget Spreadsheet... 詳細はこちら

PS200 Example Programs 1.1 (36.4 KB) 08-12-2014

CR1000 programming examples for use with the PS200.  The examples show how to use both SDI-12 and RS-232... 詳細はこちら

PVS5120 Sample Programs (5.79 KB) 08-10-2014

Example CR1000 programs for triggering a PVS5120 that has been configured to run on SDI12 commands, PakBus commands... 詳細はこちら

PWS100 OS 7 (517 KB) 30-11-2015

Current PWS100 operating system.   詳細はこちら

Designed to complement the PWS100 the Present Weather Viewer provides a simple yet comprehensive interface showcasing many of... 詳細はこちら

RainVue OS 2.03 (474 KB) 07-12-2022

Current Operating System for the RainVue 10 and RainVue 20. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a USB... 詳細はこちら

An example CR1000X program uses the M! SDI-12 command to measure the RainVue 10 or RainVue 20 and... 詳細はこちら

RangeVue Program Examples (1 KB) 12-07-2024

Two programs use the C1! SDI-12 instruction to measure the RangeVue-series sensors. One program is for the CR350... 詳細はこちら

This driver is for the SBT-USC6K USB to Serial cable (CSI Part# 17394 - Silver Cable). Support is... 詳細はこちら

RF400 Series OS 10 (612 KB) 28-03-2005

Current RF400, RF410, RF415 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility. 詳細はこちら

RF401A Series OS 05 (438 KB) 22-07-2015

Current RF401A and RF411A firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility. 詳細はこちら

RF401 Series OS 04 (646 KB) 14-08-2008

Current RF401, RF411, RF416 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility. 詳細はこちら

RF407 OS 02 (449 KB) 10-10-2016

Current operating system for the RF407 Series of radios including the RF407, RF412, and RF422. Requires the Device... 詳細はこちら

RF430 Series OS 02 (702 KB) 30-08-2011

Current RF430, RF431, RF432 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility. 詳細はこちら

RF430 USB Drivers 2.08.28 (1.64 MB) 05-03-2013

RF430 USB Drivers for the Windows operating system. 32 and 64 bit support for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows... 詳細はこちら

RF450 OS 02 (415 KB) 31-07-2013

Current RF450 firmware. The Device Configuration Utility is used to update the firmware in the RF450. 詳細はこちら

RF45x Operating System 3 (429 KB) 16-06-2023

Current RF451 / RF452 operating system. The Device Configuration Utility is used to update the firmware. 詳細はこちら

RF500M ALERT OS 02 (770 KB) 04-01-2012

Execution of this download copies the ALERT Operating System (-AL) for the RF500M onto your computer. The ALERT... 詳細はこちら

RF500M DIAL OS 01 (714 KB) 27-02-2012

Execution of this download copies the Dial Operating System (-DA) forthe RF500M onto your computer. The dial OS... 詳細はこちら

RF500M OS 04 (492 KB) 04-02-2016

Execution of this download copies the PakBus Operating System (-PB) for the RF500M onto your computer. The -PB... 詳細はこちら

Example CR1000 datalogger programs to measure a RMY81000 configured as a RMY81005 or RMY81005A. Along with the programs... 詳細はこちら

RTDAQ Patch 1.4.1 (208 MB) 13-03-2020

This patch will upgrade RTDAQ version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4 to 1.4.1. RTDAQ 1.x must be... 詳細はこちら

RTDAQ Trial 1.4.1 (217 MB) 13-03-2020

A fully functional 30 day Trial Version of RTDAQ - Real Time datalogger support software for High Speed... 詳細はこちら

RTMC Pro Patch 5.0.1 (60.1 MB) 22-05-2024

This patch upgrades RTMC Pro 5.0 to 5.0.1. Note: This application requires the Microsoft .Net 4.0 Framework.  If it... 詳細はこちら

RTMC Pro Patch 4.3.3a (87.7 MB) 22-05-2024

This patch upgrades RTMC Pro 4.0 and newer to 4.3.3a. Note: This application requires the Microsoft .Net 4.0 Framework.... 詳細はこちら

RTMC Pro Trial 5.0.1 (85.7 MB) 22-05-2024

A fully functional 30 day trial version of RTMC Pro (Real Time Monitoring & Control) software for creating... 詳細はこちら

RTMC Run-time Patch 5.0.1 (23.0 MB) 22-05-2024

For use with RTMC 5.0 or greater projects only. Projects built with RTMC 4.3.3 or older may not display... 詳細はこちら

RTMC Run-time Patch 4.3.3 (50.6 MB) 13-03-2020

This patch is intended for the stand alone RTMC Run-time product and will NOT upgrade RTMC Run-time included... 詳細はこちら

RTMC Web Server Patch 3.2 (26.6 MB) 22-09-2010

RETIRED PRODUCT This patch is for use ONLY if you have LoggerNet 4.0 or RTMC Pro 3.0 or newer. ... 詳細はこちら

RV50(X) Firmware (46.3 MB) 20-12-2022

Currently this is the recommended RV50(X) firmware for use in Campbell Scientific applications.  It is recommended that RV50(X)... 詳細はこちら

RV50(X) Template Files (414 KB) 25-01-2021

For use with the Sierra Wireless RV50(X) modem. These template files are used with the Sierra Wireless ACEManager to configure the... 詳細はこちら

Sat Commander 11.3.8 (3.78 MB) 08-03-2011

TX312 Support Software. 詳細はこちら

SAT HDR GOES 3.2.4 (505 KB) 01-02-2005

HDR GOES Support software and Operating System. SAT HDR GOES update for 2004 leap year and reset issues.... 詳細はこちら

SC105 OS 04 (573 KB) 28-08-2007

Current SC105 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a 9-pin socket (female) to socket (female) NULL modem... 詳細はこちら

SC115 Drivers () 01-01-2014

Windows USB drivers for the SC115 are installed via the Device Configuration Utililty.  In the Device Configuration Utility, click... 詳細はこちら

SC115 OS 05 (429 KB) 17-09-2021

Current version of the SC115 Operating System.  Requires the Device Configuration Utility to upload the operating system to... 詳細はこちら

SC-CPI OS 04 (477 KB) 10-10-2016

Execution of this download installs the SC-CPI Operating System on your computer for upload to the SC-CPI device... 詳細はこちら

SC-USB Drivers 2.10.00 (6.37 MB) 21-05-2014

The SC-USB's Software drivers for use with Windows Operating Systems. 詳細はこちら

SC-USB Firmware 03 (8 KB) 25-09-2009

Current version of the SC-USB firmware. The SC-USB utility is used to update the firmware in the SC-USB. 詳細はこちら

SDM-CAN Helper 1.1 (59.5 MB) 29-09-2016

Add-on package for RTDAQ. Assists users of the SDM-CAN device.See the SDM-CAN Helper Overview for more information about this... 詳細はこちら

SDM-CAN OS 4 (612 KB) 21-11-2006

Current version of the SDM-CAN firmware. 詳細はこちら

There are three example programs for the CDM-CD16AC. The first program demonstrates using two SDM-CD16AC modules to control... 詳細はこちら

CRBasic program demonstrating twelve functions of the SDM-IO16A using the SDMIO16() instruction. This program is not an example... 詳細はこちら

SDMS40 Example Programs 1 (4 KB) 13-08-2020

Three example CR1000X programs. Two programs use SDI-12 and one program uses RS-232. All example programs read the... 詳細はこちら

SDMS40 Firmware Update 7.4e (864 KB) 26-06-2020

Latest firmware and utilities for the SDMS40. 詳細はこちら

SDM-SIO1 6 (668 KB) 03-10-2013

Current firmware for the SDM-SIO1. Note: If your version of DevConfig does not support the download of *.hex files, you... 詳細はこちら

SDM-SIO1A / SDM-SIO4A OS 3.0 (401 KB) 10-01-2024

Current firmware for the SDM-SIO1A and SDM-SIO4A. 詳細はこちら

In this example program, a SDM-SIO2R will read a visibility measurement from the CS120A. If the SIO2R does... 詳細はこちら

Short Cut 4.7 (33.6 MB) 19-03-2025

Short Cut creates simple programs for our CR200-series, CR300-series, CR510, CR500, CR10(X), 21X, CR23X, CR6, CR800, CR1000(X), CR1000Xe,... 詳細はこちら

SkyVue-8-CS136-OS 2 (460kb) 11-12-2019

Introduction Campbell Scientific has introduced a new operating system, OS2 for the SkyVue 8 ceilometer. It is fully backwards... 詳細はこちら

SkyVue Example Programs 1 (3 KB) 07-11-2019

CRBasic data logger programs for use with CS message 1. One example includes a cyclic redundancy check (CRC).Please... 詳細はこちら

SkyVue PRO-CS135-OS 14 (429kb) 11-12-2019

Campbell Scientific has introduced a new operating system, OS14 for the SkyVue PRO and CS135 ceilometer. It is... 詳細はこちら

SMP10 Example Programs 1 (3 KB) 12-01-2021

Includes two CR1000X programs. One program measures the SMP10 sensor using Modbus over RS-485 and the other program... 詳細はこちら

SMS 4.10 (6.73 MB) 06-08-2007

SMS (Storage Module Software) is a utility used to configure and retrieve data from Campbell Scientific storage modules. ... 詳細はこちら

SN500SS Program Example (1 KB) 11-08-2021

An example program that uses the M! SDI-12 command to measure the incoming short-wave (SW) radiation, outgoing SW... 詳細はこちら

SnowVue 10 OS 1.22 (473 KB) 13-03-2025

Current SnowVue 10 operating system.  Note: OS update must be performed using the aXLOADOS! SDI-12 command. Please refer to the... 詳細はこちら

Two programs that read the SnowVue 10 sensor. One program performs temperature compensation to provide snow depth. The... 詳細はこちら

Tutorial to help you decide which of our software packages will best meet your needs. 詳細はこちら

This example CR6 program collects the volumetric water content, relative permittivity, soil temperature, and bulk electrical conductivity for... 詳細はこちら

These example programs demonstrate how to use the CDM_VoltFilt(), CDM_BridgeFilt(), and CDM_FFTFilt() instructions on a Spectrum module. Additionally,... 詳細はこちら

SR05 Example Programs 1 (2 KB) 10-09-2021

Two CR1000X data logger programs that read the SR05 sensor. An example program is included for each output... 詳細はこちら

SR30 Example Program 1 (2 KB) 10-12-2020

The example CR1000X program measures the SR30 sensor. The program will store the values if the result code... 詳細はこちら

SR50A/AT OS 1.3 (52 KB) 22-08-2007

Current SR50A / AT firmware. 詳細はこちら

SR50A example programs 1 (11 kB) 22-01-2020

CR6 and CR1000X programs that directly read each type of SR50A output (SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485), and a CR1000... 詳細はこちら

CR6 and CR1000X programs that read the SR50AH SDI-12 output and control the SR50AH heater. A 107 sensor... 詳細はこちら

SR50AT example programs 1 (11 kB) 22-01-2020

CR6 and CR1000X programs that directly read each type of SR50AT output (SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485), and a CR1000... 詳細はこちら

CR6 and CR1000X programs that read the SR50ATH SDI-12 output and control the SR50ATH heater. The programs use... 詳細はこちら

SurfaceVue 10 standard programs with and without NTCIP. Set a constant to select RS-232 or RS-485 communications. Another... 詳細はこちら

Tasks Tutorial - (2.45 MB) 29-07-2008

Tutorial that demonstrates the use of the Task Master in Loggernet for automating tasks. 詳細はこちら

TDR100 OS 0.9724 (60 KB) 15-08-2012

Current TDR100 Operating System. PC-TDR must be connected to TDR100. 詳細はこちら

TDR200 OS 3 (472 KB) 22-01-2019

Current version of the TDR200 firmware. Requires the use of the PC-TDR to update the TDR200 OS. Instructions can... 詳細はこちら

Three example programs are available for the TempVue 20. The SDI-12 program uses the R0! SDI-12 instruction to... 詳細はこちら

This program uses the R0! SDI-12 instruction to retrieve the temperature measurement. The program is written for a CR1000X,... 詳細はこちら

TGA100A 1.20 (2.33 MB) 19-10-2007

TGA100A user interface software. 詳細はこちら

TGA100A/200 OS 2.2 (1.2 MB) 12-06-2009

Current TGA100A / 200 Operating System and TGA.CR9 program.  Requires the Device Configuration Utility to upload to the... 詳細はこちら

TGA100A OS 1.60 (1.13 MB) 19-10-2007

Current TGA100A Operating System and TGA.CR9 program. Requires the Device Configuation Utilty to upload to the TGA100A system. 詳細はこちら

TGA200A Firmware 1.1 (1.1 MB) 02-12-2015

The TGA200A firmware is used to support the TGA200A or prior TGA models that have been upgraded to... 詳細はこちら

TGA TEC 1.1 (10.6 MB) 02-12-2015

The TGA TEC Support Software is used to support the TGA200A or prior TGA models that have been... 詳細はこちら

TGA Windows 2.2 (5.81 MB) 02-02-2018

TGA Windows software for use with the TGA100A / 200 system. 詳細はこちら

TGA Windows Patch 2.2 (3.58 MB) 12-06-2009

This will patch upgrade TGA Windows 2.0 and 2.1 to 2.2. 詳細はこちら

TX320 & TX321 USB Drivers for the Windows operating system. 32 and 64 bit support for Windows 8, Windows... 詳細はこちら

TX321 / TX320 GPS Update 4 (1.09 MB) 18-12-2019

This download is a zip file that contains new firmware v11.11 and v10.23 for the G6 radio internal... 詳細はこちら

CR3000, CR1000, or CR800-series data logger program for the TX325 that sets up self-timed and random transmissions and... 詳細はこちら

GRANITE-series, CR6, CR1000X, or CR300-series data logger program for the TX326 and TX325 that sets up self-timed and... 詳細はこちら

This driver is for the CB-FTDI USB to Serial cable (CSI Part# 17394 - Black Cable). Support is... 詳細はこちら

VDIV Program Example (1 KB) 29-07-2022

In this example program, a VDIV10:1 and the VoltDiff() instruction are used to measure an input voltage with a... 詳細はこちら

VisualWeather Patch 3.1.3 (45.7 MB) 03-08-2012

Upgrade Visual Weather version 3.x to 3.1.3. This patch requires that version 3.x exists on the computer. 詳細はこちら

VisualWeather Patch 2.3 (26.3 MB) 19-12-2008

Upgrade Visual Weather version 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 to 2.3. This patch requires that version 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2... 詳細はこちら

VisualWeather Trial 3.1.3 (56.1 MB) 03-08-2012

A fully functional 30 day trial version of VisualWeather.  VisualWeather is for those who want reliable, real-time weather data... 詳細はこちら

Volt100 OS 06.03 (640 KB) 09-05-2023

Execution of this download installs the Volt108 / Volt116 Operating System on your computer which can then be uploaded to... 詳細はこちら

VSC100 OS 7.0 (478 KB) 07-07-2015

VSC100 Operating System. 詳細はこちら

VSC100 USB Drivers 2.08.28 (1.64 MB) 05-03-2013

VSC100 USB Drivers for the Windows operating system. 32 and 64 bit support for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows... 詳細はこちら

The operating system file (.obj extension) can be downloaded and saved to a VWA with the USB cable.... 詳細はこちら

VWire 305 OS 6 (602 KB) 21-04-2020

Execution of this download installs the VWire 305 Operating System on your computer for upload to the VWire... 詳細はこちら

Program to read 20 Hz dynamic data from two VWire 305 analyzers measuring eight channels each. 詳細はこちら

VwProjects 1.2 (11.0 MB) 23-11-2021

VwProjects is a free software download. The software allows a PC to create files called a project file... 詳細はこちら

LoggerNet 4.0 was released in August of 2009. This tutorial demonstrates some of the new features and enhancements.... 詳細はこちら

Two example CR1000X programs that read the WindSonic1. One program reads the sensor directly, and the other program... 詳細はこちら

An example CR800-series program and a CR200(X)-series program that read the WindSonic4. Both programs filter out data when... 詳細はこちら

An example program to read and store Wintersense SDI-12 data every five minutes. Program uses 0 for the... 詳細はこちら

Wireless Sensor Planner 1.7 (30.5 MB) 08-08-2013

The Wireless Sensor Planner is a tool for use with Campbell Scientific wireless sensors.  It assists in designing... 詳細はこちら

CR10X OS 1.23 (1.45 MB) 02-04-2010

Execution of this download installs the CR10X Operating System (Mixed-Array) on your computer.   Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR10X-PB OS 1.10 (647 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR10X PakBus Operating System on your computer.   Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR10X-TD OS 1.15 (645 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR10X Table Data Operating System on your computer.   Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR200 Default OS 10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Default operating system loaded into the datalogger at the factory.  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic Editor... 詳細はこちら

CR200 MODBUS OS 10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Special operating system that supports ModBus communication and SDI-12 sensors .  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic... 詳細はこちら

CR200 Serial Input OS 10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Special operating system that supports serial sensors, SDI-12 sensors, and sending data to another PakBus device.  Also included... 詳細はこちら

CR23X OS 1.19 (690 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR23X Operating System (Mixed-Array) on your computer. Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR23X-PB OS 1.10 (706 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR23X PakBus Operating System on your computer. Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR23X-TD OS 1.15 (703 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR23X Table Data Operating System on your computer. Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR5000 OS 7 (3.0 MB) 26-02-2014

Current Operating System, Compiler and CR5000 support files for the CRBasic Editor. Requires the Device Configuration Utility, LoggerNet... 詳細はこちら

CR510 OS 1.15 (640 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR510 Operating System (Mixed-Array) on your computer. Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR510-PB OS 1.10 (647 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR510 PakBus Operating System on your computer. Note: The Device Configuration Utility is... 詳細はこちら

CR510-TD OS 1.16 (645 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR510 Table Data Operating System on your computer. Note: The Device Configuration Utility... 詳細はこちら

PC208W Patch 3.3 (4.5 MB) 11-04-2001

Upgrade PC208W versions 3.0-3.2a to the latest 3.x revision; no intermediate steps are required. PC208W 3.0 or greater... 詳細はこちら