This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: LOGGERNETREM.
LoggerNet Remote/A Additional Copies of LoggerNet Remote on Same Order


Note: Quantity discounts of LoggerNet Remote may be available through the LoggerNet Remote product page.

Current Version: 4.3

This product is identical to LoggerNetRem except it makes the software available at a reduced cost for each additional copy purchased on the same purchase order. As a result, no other quantity discount schedules apply.


  • Purchase additional copies of software on same purchase order for reduced cost



Current Version 4.3




LoggerNet Remote/Aに関するよくある質問の数: 1

  1. LoggerNet doesn’t know which tables are available in mixed-array data loggers unless the program is identified by associating it. If no tables show up in the Data Filer table selection window, check that there is a program associated with the data logger in LoggerNet. This can be done on the Program tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen. Also, verify these two things:

    1. Scheduled collection is enabled (on the Schedule tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen).
    2. FS Area 1 is enabled (and FS Area2 if memory is being specifically allocated to it) for collection. This information is found on the respective tabs in the LoggerNet Setup Screen.


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