Our newest recording sensors, the CRS451V and CRS456V, are submersible instruments that provide temperature-compensated water-level measurements. They combine a pressure transducer and temperature sensor with recording capability. This combination can save money and time in standalone applications, since you often don’t have to purchase a datalogger, and you don’t spend time programming the datalogger.

The CRS451V and CRS456V are similar to the CRS451 and CRS456, except the new instruments include an integrated cable that allows them to connect directly to a telemetry device such as a cell phone, Wi-Fi device, or spread spectrum radio. The cable is vented to the atmosphere, which eliminates the need to adjust the measurements for barometric pressure.

These instruments use HydroSci software for setup, data retrieval, and data display. This software is available, at no charge, from www.campbellsci.com/19_1_9999_276, and is also provided on the ResourceDVD. With HydroSci, you can configure the instrument to monitor surface water, ground water, or a standard pump test. Scanning and recording can be based on time, water-level change, or logarithmic time sequence for pump and slug tests. Remote data collection using the telemetry device requires LoggerNet software.

The CRS451V and CRS456V should be available soon. The CRS451V will have a stainless-steel case, while the CRS456V will have a titanium case that will let you use it in corrosive environments.

Recording sensors leverage our datalogging expertise with the latest in sensor technology into an integrated unit. The CRS451V and CRS456V are being built to our high standards of ruggedness and promise to be valuable new additions to our recording sensor family.
