trinity consultants


26368 Ruether Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91350

Phone: 661.309.6225
Fax: 661.309.6229


Technical and Business Systems (T&B Systems) has over 30 years of experience in designing, integrating, managing, and operating air quality and meteorological monitoring networks throughout the United States and abroad using Campbell Scientific equipment. T&B Systems specializes in taking on the integration of Campbell Scientific equipment to a higher level. This includes automated data acquisition systems, displays, automated diagnostic checks, live alarms, real-time web displays, climate control, remote sensing technologies, and mobile monitoring systems.  

T&B Systems joined Trinity Consultants in 2023 and is now part of Trinity Consultants’ Ambient Monitoring and Service Integration group.


All US States


Air Quality and Pollution Instrumentation
Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) and Meteorologic Instruments
Environmental Research
Oil and Gas
Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS)
Solar Energy
Wind Energy

Certified Campbell Scientific Partner