This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CR9000X,CR9000XC.
CR700X Control Module for CR7 Measurement and Control System
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The CR7 is a precision instrument that is primarily used in multi-parameter research and industrial applications. Each CR7 system is individually configured to meet the specific measurement needs of the customer.

This control module is the base of the measurement system, then the input/output module, data logger enclosure, and I/O cards are added. As measurement needs change from study to study, the CR7 can be adapted by modifying the I/O card configuration.



  • Collects and stores data and controls peripherals as the brain of your system
  • Suited for applications that require high resolution (e.g., thermocouples) or a large number of input channels
  • Up to seven I/O Cards (CR7 720) or fourteen I/O Cards (CR7 720XL) can be inserted to configure a system for specific applications
  • Stores 280,000 data points
  • Mixed array data format
  • Software support offered in LoggerNet (full-featured) or Short Cut (programming)



The CR700X control module is the main component in a CR7—a large modular data logger. It is ordered with internal PROMs (firmware) and temperature testing. The CR700X contains the system's CPU, ROM, RAM, a serial interface for communication with data storage/retrieval peripherals and connection of up to four I/O Modules (typically one alongside the CR700X and three at some distance to the CR700X), and a keyboard/display. Refer to the Configuration tab for software compatibility.

The CR700X also accommodates:

  • PROMs (detailed in the Ordering information)
  • 3259 Battery (included; formerly known as the LA700)
  • CR709 Memory Card (ordered separately)

A complete CR7 consists of:

  • CR700X
  • I/O Modules (either the CR720 or CR720XL)
  • A mix of I/O Cards

Modular design consists of:

  • Control module (CR7 700X)
  • Input/output module (CR7 720 or CR7 720XL)
  • Field or laboratory enclosure (ENC 7F, ENC 7XL, or ENC 7L)


-NOTE- Note: Additional specifications are listed in the CR7 Specifications Sheet.
Scan Rate 80 Hz
Processor Hitachi 6303
Memory 24K ROM; 40K RAM. 709 Card provides an additional 512K RAM.
Communication Ports 1 CS I/O
Baud Rate 300, 1200, 9600, or 76,800 (user selected)
I/O Module Interface Optically isolated current loops allow connection of up to 4 I/O Modules. I/O Modules can be separated from the Control Module by up to 1,000 feet.
Clock Accuracy ±1 minute per month


Compatible Software

  • Short Cut
  • PC200W
  • PC400 (version 1.0 or higher)
  • LoggerNet (version 2.0 or higher)
  • PConnect (version 1.0 or higher)
  • PConnectCE (version 1.0 or higher)
  • VisualWeather (version 2.0 or higher)


CR700Xに関するよくある質問の数: 1

  1. A practical maximum is to connect one multiplexer per every two control terminals on the data logger. Control terminals can be shared between multiplexers to increase the number of connected multiplexers. Sharing terminals, however, requires more complex wiring and programming. Users who would like to connect more than one multiplexer per every two control terminals are advised to contact a sales or support engineer at Campbell Scientific for assistance.


Campbell Scientificのデータ取得システムは、英国を拠点とする自動車メーカー、ローバーの車両テストに広く使用されています。ローバーはロングブリッジ、ソリハル、ゲイドンの各工場で、Campbell Scientificのデータ取得システムを使用して新車をテストしています。ローバーは世界中でCampbell Scientificの機器を使用して、極度の高温や低温の気候における性能と耐久性をテストしています。同社は CR9000、CR7、CR10X を組み合わせて使用​​しており、50 台を超えるCampbell Scientific システムを保有しています。...続きを読む
大宇自動車の計測エンジニアは、Nubira (写真) の高温および低温気候テスト中に Campbell Scientific CR7 計測および制御システムを使用しました。実際、同社はさまざまな Campbell Scientific データ ロガーを使用しています。複数の CR7 システム (3 大陸の拠点で使用)......続きを読む
アストン マーティンは、DB7 の環境テストに CR7 測定および制御システムを使用しました。CR7 はバッテリー電源とコンパクトなサイズのため、車載テストに使用できます。テスト中、システムはトランクに搭載され、後で分析できるようにデータを記録しました。ドライバーはダッシュボードに取り付けられたヘッドアップ ディスプレイでデータを確認しました。...続きを読む


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