CS110 Electric Field Meter Combines with Strike Guard

Campbell Scientific and Wxline have teamed up to combine the CS110 Electric Field Meter and the Strike Guard® lightning detection system to satisfy the most demanding lightning hazard warning applications. The CS110/ Strike Guard system provides the user with both continuous electric field measurements and comprehensive lightning detection information. Results are displayed on custom RTMC screens at local and remote locations.

The CS110 measures the electric field induced at the ground by clouds located within a 5- to 7-mile radius of the sensor, from which the potential for lightning can be forecast. In contrast to traditional rotating-vane electric field meters, the CS110 incorporates a reciprocating shutter to intermittently expose a sensing electrode to external electric fields. The reciprocating approach allows for a direct electrical connection to the shutter instead of a problematic rotating contact. The fully closed shutter position on the CS110 also provides a zero-field reference for each measurement cycle, providing for DC error correction.

Strike Guard is an optical-coincidence lightning sensor that detects cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning within a 20-mile radius. Strike information is classified in three range categories as lightning detected within 5 miles, 10 miles, and 20 miles. The optical-coincidence approach requires a characteristic optical signal to coincide with a characteristic magnetic-field-change signal to report lightning.

The CS110/Strike Guard system combines the advantages of two complementary lightning-warning technologies into a single package for complete lightning-threat measurement and analysis. The CS110 reports electric fields associated with local thunderstorm development, providing a warning prior to hazardous discharges. The Strike Guard reports lightning discharges out to 20 miles, providing a comfortable warning time for incoming storms. This yields a robust lightning-hazard warning system, similar to those in use at many major airports.

The CS110/Strike Guard system is mounted on a tripod or single pole and can be solar powered. Fiber-optic or radio links offer enhanced reliability compared to hard-wire communication in a lightning environment.

For each application, the user defines lightning alarm and all-clear conditions based on electric field thresholds and strike detection information. Numerous user-selected notification options are available for signaling the crossing of alarm and all-clear thresholds, including:

  • Email notification
  • Local audible notification
  • Web-based display
  • PC-based alarming
  • Local stackable light beacons

The wireless WAVE® sirens and strobes from Wxline are ideal for notification across larger areas, such as parks, golf courses, industrial complexes, military installations, airports, and sports fields.
