ALERT2ADM screenshot with RTMC project

The use of flood-warning systems is growing, and the ALERT2 networking protocol for these systems is having a profound effect on human safety in flood-prone areas. But full-sized ALERT2 software solutions can be very expensive. To allow agencies that have smaller flood-warning networks to benefit from ALERT2, Campbell Scientific developed ALERT2 Administrator.

ALERT2 Admin is designed and priced for small- to medium-sized ALERT2 networks. It makes historical and real-time data available to your organization, while remaining simple to set up and easy to use. ALERT2 Admin is a companion product to Campbell Scientific's LoggerNet Admin. This means no learning curve for setting up displays and alerts for users already familiar with the LoggerNet suite of software tools.

Data retrieved by ALERT2 Admin can also be stored in Microsoft SQL, MySQL, or SQL Server Compact using Campbell’s LNDB software. Get the ALERT2 Administrator software to manage data from your flood-warning system, without breaking the bank.

We expect ALERT2 Administrator to be available in August of 2018.

Note: ALERT2 is a trademark of the National Hydrologic Warning Council.
