In January of 2000, Campbell Scientific introduced the CR5000 Measurement and Control Datalogger. Its ruggedness and high performance made it an important product solution for the test and measurement industry, and in a variety of higher-speed data-acquisition applications.

Unfortunately, because of component obsolescence we are no longer able to manufacture this datalogger. While there is no direct replacement for the CR5000, the CR3000 or the higher-speed CR9000X can be used for most applications. In the coming year we will be introducing new measurement products that will provide additional alternatives. With all of these choices, we expect to match or exceed all of the functionality of the CR5000.

Of course, we will continue our customer support and repair services for the CR5000, as we do for all of our retired dataloggers. Please contact a Campbell Scientific application engineer for help selecting the best datalogger for your application.
