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CR5000 Measurement and Control Datalogger
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 対応
フリーサポート 非対応


Note: Although the CR5000 is a retired product, the same performance can be achieved using a CR6 Measurement and Control Datalogger with a CDM-A116 (16-Channel 5 V Analog Input Module)

The CR5000 is a rugged, high-performance data-acquisition system with built-in keyboard, graphics display, and PCMCIA card slot. It combines 16-bit resolution with a maximum throughput of 5000 measurements per second. It has many input channels and can measure a large number of sensors. This makes the CR5000 a key part of automotive, structural, and high-speed environmental applications.



  • High throughput makes the CR5000 a powerful tool for demanding configurations.
  • Ideal applications include eddy covariance, Bowen ratio, weather stations, vehicle testing, HVAC, process monitoring and control, structural or fatigue analysis, machinery testing, energy management and conservation
  • Integrated keyboard and display screen let you program, manually initiate data transfers, and view data, all on site.
  • Integrated PCMCIA slot accepts memory cards up to 2 GB for stand-alone data collecting.
  • Includes a current excitation channel allowing direct connection of PRTs or other sensors that use a current excitation
  • Compatible with channel expansion peripherals allowing you to expand your system
  • Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) protected inputs
  • Battery-backed clock that ensures accurate time is maintained while data logger is disconnected from battery power
  • Collects and stores data and controls peripherals as the brain of your system



The CR5000 typically includes an integrated 7-Ahr rechargeable power supply, but a no battery base option is also offered if a user-supplied power supply is preferred. This data logger has a 128 x 64 pixel backlit graphical or eight-line numeric display, and a 16-character keyboard for on-site control. Its on-board PCMCIA card slot allows the CR5000 to store data on a Type I, Type II, or Type III PCMCIA card, or on a CompactFlash® card if an adapter is used.

The CR5000's operating system includes measurement, processing, and output instructions for programming the data logger. The programming language, CRBasic, uses a BASIC-like syntax. Measurement instructions specific to bridge configurations, voltage outputs, thermocouples, and pulse/frequency signals are included. Processing instructions support algebraic, statistical, and transcendental functions for on-site processing. Output instructions process data over time and control external devices. These instructions include averages, maximums, minimums, standard deviations, histograms, rainflow histograms, level crossings, and Fast Fourier Transfers (FFTs).




-NOTE- Note: Additional specifications are listed in the CR5000 Specifications Sheet.
Maximum Scan Rate 1667 Hz
Analog Inputs 40 single-ended or 20 differential individually configured
Pulse Counters 2
Switched Excitation Channels 4 voltage, 4 current
Continuous Analog Outputs 2
Digital Ports 1 SDM and 8 I/Os (Certain digital ports can be used to count switch closures.)
Communication Ports 1 CS I/O, 1 RS-232
Switched 12 Volt 1
Input Voltage Range ±5 Vdc
Analog Voltage Accuracy ±0.05% FSR (0° to 40°C)
Analog Resolution 0.33 µV
A/D Bits 16
Standard Temperature Range -25° to +50°C
The rechargeable battery base has a different temperature range (-40° to +60°C).
Extended Temperature Range -55° to +85°C
The rechargeable battery base has a different temperature range (-40° to +60°C).
  • 28 kB (program)
  • 2 MB (data storage)
Power Requirements 11 to 16 Vdc
Typical Current Drain
  • 1.5 mA (sleep mode)
  • 4.5 mA (1 Hz sample rate)
  • 200 mA (5 kHz sample rate)
Protocols Supported SDI-12, SDM
CE Compliance Standards to which Conformity Is Declared IEC61326:2002
Warranty 3 years
  • 24.4 x 21.0 x 7.4 cm (9.8 x 8.3 x 2.9 in.) with low-profile base
  • 24.4 x 21.0 x 11.4 cm (9.8 x 8.3 x 4.5 in.) with rechargeable battery base
  • 2.0 kg (4.5 lb) with low-profile base
  • 5.5 kg (12.2 lb) with rechargeable battery base


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。


製品 互換性 注意
LoggerNet Version 2.0 or higher
PC200W (リタイア)
PC400 Version 1.0 or higher
RTDAQ Version 1.0 or higher
Short Cut
VISUALWEATHER Version 2.0 or higher

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意



With several channel types, the CR5000 is compatible with nearly every available sensor, including thermocouples, SDI-12 sensors, and 4 to 20 mA sensors.

Measurement & Control Peripherals

The CR5000 is compatible with our multiplexers, vibrating-wire interfaces, terminal input modules, relays, and most of our SDMs. 


The CR5000 communicates with a PC via direct connect, NL100 Ethernet interface, multidrop modems, short-haul modems, phone modems (land line and digital cellular), RF telemetry, and GOES satellite transmitter. Data can be viewed on its on-board keyboard display.

Storage capacity can be increased by using a PC or CompactFlash card. The CR5000's PCMCIA card slot supports one Type I, Type II, or Type III PC Card or the CF1 adapter and one CompactFlash (CF) card.

The storage capacity of Type II cards exceeds 1 GB. Type III cards provide data storage capacities exceeding 1 GB but may not be suitable for all environments. Campbell Scientific offers CF cards that store up to 2 GB of data. Please note that the PCMCIA and CompactFlash cards need to be industrial-grade and have a storage capacity of 2 GB or less.

Power Supplies

The CR5000 is often powered by its on-board rechargeable power supply (see Ordering Info). When the rechargeable power supply is used, its internal 7-Ahr sealed rechargeable battery needs be charged via a vehicle (requires the DCDC18R), solar panel, or ac wall charger.

The CR5000 can also come with a low-profile base that requires a user-supplied dc source. It is preferred when the system’s power consumption needs a larger capacity battery or when it’s advantageous to have a thinner, lighter data logger.


CRBasic, the CR5000's full programming language, supports simple or complex programming and many onboard data reduction processes.


CR5000 OS v.7 (3.0 MB) 26-02-2014

Current Operating System, Compiler and CR5000 support files for the CRBasic Editor. Requires the Device Configuration Utility, LoggerNet or RTDAQ to upload.

Use of this file will update the datalogger support files for the CRBasic Editor included in LoggerNet and RTDAQ.

Note: If the current Operating System on a CR5000 is version 2.1 or earlier (and no higher OS version has been loaded in the past) then it is necessary to load the "intermediate.obj" OS (included with this download) onto the CR5000 first before installing the Std7 OS (CR5000.Std.07.obj).


Device Configuration Utility v.2.32 (47.7 MB) 19-03-2025

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)



CR5000に関するよくある質問の数: 75


  1. No. This is not possible because the CR5000 is not compatible with PakBus networking.

  2. If a connection can be made to the CR5000 via the RF radio using LoggerNet, the radio is connected to the CR5000.

  3. It depends on the nature of the sensor output. The CR5000 has 20 differential analog inputs or 40 single-ended analog inputs.

  4. Create a multidrop network with an MD485 between the CR5000s and the digital modem. See the “Digital Cellular Modem to MD485 Network” appendix item in the MD485 instruction manual.

  5. Yes, as long as the equivalent bridge resistance is not so low as to exceed the current that can be sourced by an excitation channel.

  6. First, determine if the new PC card has been formatted correctly for the CR5000 OS version. CR5000 OS 2.5 can work with FAT32 cards, whereas prior OSs can only work with FAT cards. Most new cards come formatted as FAT32. Either update the CR5000 OS to use FAT32 cards, or continue to use an old OS by reformatting the card to FAT.

    To format the card as FAT:

    1. Put the card in the PC card slot.
    2. Click My Computer from the Windows Start Menu.
    3. Right-click the drive that contains the card.
    4. Mouse over the options and click Format.
    5. Under File System, select FAT (not FAT32).
    6. Make sure Quick Format is not selected; then click Start.
  7. No. The CR5000 has a precision current excitation terminal. An RTD can be measured using a single precision current excitation terminal and one differential analog input terminal. 

  8. Yes. All eight control terminals can be used as pulse terminals.

  9. Yes, burst mode can be used. The maximum sampling rate depends on the number of sensors and the integration.


イリノイ州運輸局は、支持力の計算方法を検証するため、州間高速道路 55 号線および 70/270 号線沿いにある 12 の州間高速道路橋で試験を実施しました。運輸局は、研究パラメータの範囲が広い典型的なイリノイ州の州間高速道路橋を選択しました。これらの橋の梁ウェブには、荷重によるせん断応力を測定するためのひずみゲージ ロゼットが取り付けられました。各橋で約 6 か月間、Campbell Scientific データロガーを使用して試験データを収集し、荷重の傾向を調べました。ほとんどの試験地点で、研究者は、ウェブの片側に垂直に 3 つの 3......続きを読む
広大な農地と牧草地に囲まれたモンタナ州運輸局 (MDT) の橋梁設計者は、高速道路の橋床版設計を評価する絶好の機会だと気づきました。モンタナ州サコの小さな町の近くで、同じ高速道路回廊 (モンタナ州道 243 号線) に沿って 1 マイル未満の間隔で 3 つの橋が建設されました。その結果、各橋は天候、交通、冬季メンテナンスから同じ要求を受けることになります。各橋には 15 m のスパンが 3......続きを読む



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