By Rob Campbell

We often grow the most when we take on a new challenge in life. As I have moved into my new role as President of Campbell Scientific, I have found this to be particularly true.

Whether it is on an individual basis, or as an organization, the need to learn, grow, and evolve is part of our world. When Campbell Scientific was founded, the challenge was to reliably collect precise, accurate data. In today’s information age, the collection of data is just the starting point. We now live in a world that demands real-time connectivity and information dissemination. The collection of data is no longer a hurdle. The challenge we face is collecting meaningful, accurate information that is accessible and usable on demand.

Our aim at Campbell Scientific going forward will be to better understand your data collection requirements, to help you not only meet the challenge of making good measurements, but to make that measurement information readily accessible and useful. We understand that it is not just about providing good instrumentation. Our business is about providing you with accurate, precise information on demand in a variety of useful ways.

Just as I will learn and grow as I step into this new role, we as an organization will continue to learn and grow—to evolve as we meet the challenges of a more connected world. I look forward to meeting these challenges and to interacting with you—to become better acquainted with the specific measurement challenges you face and how we can help.

There is much to be excited about, new discoveries to be made, and mysteries of science and nature to be uncovered. As a measurement company, we hope to play an integral role in solving problems by helping you accurately and precisely measure the characteristics of the world in which we live.
