Have you ever wished you could check on the dataloggers in your LoggerNet network from a mobile device? Very soon, you’ll be able to do just that with LoggerNet Mobile Connect.

LoggerNet Mobile Connect is a simple, yet powerful, tool that allows communication with any station in your LoggerNet network. It gives you access to the LoggerNet server anywhere your mobile device has a data connection. With LoggerNet Mobile Connect you can:

  • View real-time data and stored data tables in a numeric or graphical format
  • Collect data from LoggerNet’s data cache and store it to a file on your mobile device
  • Use your mobile device to trigger a manual LoggerNet data collection from a datalogger
  • Change the value of variables
  • Check important status information about LoggerNet and the health of your stations
  • Perform datalogger maintenance such as sending datalogger programs, managing files, and setting a datalogger’s clock

To use LoggerNet Mobile Connect, a licensed copy of LoggerNet or LoggerNetAdmin needs to be running on a PC that is accessible via TCP/IP.

Our LoggerNet Mobile Connect apps will be released soon and will be available, at no charge, from the Apple Store or Google Play.

LoggerNet Mobile Connect allows you to access your LoggerNet network from anywhere, making it an ideal solution for many applications.
