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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 articles tagged with: Pulse

Why Do Variable Wind Speed Readings Occur with a Constant Wind?

著者: Jacob Davis | 最終更新日: 01/31/2018 | コメント: 4

why do variable wind speed readings occur with a constant wind?

At some point, you may have watched the real-time wind readings from your data logger and seen the wind speed bouncing back and forth. Then, you probably wondered if it really was that gusty outside. In many cases, what you are seeing is the resolution... 続きを読む

How to Select the Correct Pulse Type for Your Measurements

著者: Jacob Davis | 最終更新日: 04/21/2016 | コメント: 0

how to select the correct pulse type for your measurements

Have you ever had a sensor work on a P (pulse) data logger terminal, but not on a C (control) terminal? Is the list of choices for the PConfig parameter in the PulseCount() instruction daunting? Campbell Scientific data loggers offer several options for measuring pulse... 続きを読む
