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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 articles tagged with: Skipped Scans

Using Loops in CRBasic to Prevent Unnecessary Skipped Scans

著者: Gary Roberts | 最終更新日: 05/31/2017 | コメント: 2

using loops in crbasic to prevent unnecessary skipped scans

Maybe you’re like me when it comes to skipped scans. I have always disliked seeing skipped scans in my data loggers. I have been trained to watch out for them and do my best to write my CRBasic programs in a way that makes them... 続きを読む

How to Prevent Skipped Scans and a Sunburn

著者: Jacob Davis | 最終更新日: 06/17/2015 | コメント: 3

how to prevent skipped scans and a sunburn

Through programming, relatively slow SDI-12 measurements can coexist, without problems, alongside fast measurements. To illustrate the need for accommodations in your data logger program, I will share the story of the worst sunburn I ever got. Southern Peru is near the Pacific Ocean, yet is... 続きを読む
