Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 articles tagged with: EmailRelay()
著者: Gary Roberts | 最終更新日: 05/31/2017 | コメント: 2
Maybe you’re like me when it comes to skipped scans. I have always disliked seeing skipped scans in my data loggers. I have been trained to watch out for them and do my best to write my CRBasic programs in a way that makes them... 続きを読む著者: Dana Worley | 最終更新日: 01/25/2017 | コメント: 19
Have you had problems finding an SMTP server to use to send emails from your data logger? Are compatibility issues causing you to look for a work-around? Keep reading for a solution that may be just what you need. Some Background In 2006, we added the ability... 続きを読む