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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 articles tagged with: VSPECT

How to Achieve Unmatched Vibrating Wire Speeds

著者: Michael Adams | 最終更新日: 06/04/2024 | コメント: 0

how to achieve unmatched vibrating wire speeds

In today's fast-paced world, accurate and rapid data acquisition is crucial. You can meet this critical need by capturing your data at unprecedented speeds of up to 200 times per second. I’ll explain how in this blog article. Pioneering Data Acquisition I’m excited to say that,... 続きを読む

A Deeper Look: Our Role in the Hole

著者: Michael Adams | 最終更新日: 04/23/2024 | コメント: 0

a deeper look: our role in the hole

Have you read the South Dakota: Rock Stability in Large Underground Excavation case study? It’s a short and interesting read, so check it out if you haven’t already. In this blog article, we’ll take a deeper look at Campbell Scientific’s role in a large-cavern, hard-rock... 続きを読む

A Closer Look: Resolving Dam Data Discrepancies

著者: Eric Schmidt | 最終更新日: 03/05/2024 | コメント: 0

a closer look: resolving dam data discrepancies

Did you read our Southwest: Solving the Mystery of Erroneous Dam Monitoring Data case study? Want to get some more details? In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at that case study. If you haven’t read the case study yet, please do... 続きを読む

5 Things a VWAnalyzer Can Do for You

著者: Jacqalyn Maughan | 最終更新日: 08/29/2023 | コメント: 0

5 things a vwanalyzer can do for you

You may not realize just how helpful our handheld instrumentation can be—especially when it makes it easy for you to test your vibrating wire sensors, saving you time and money if a failed sensor is identified prior to installation. Let’s dive deeper into the five... 続きを読む

Get the Most out of VSPECT®

著者: Jacqalyn Maughan | 最終更新日: 08/22/2023 | コメント: 3

get the most out of vspect<sup>®</sup>

Understanding the benefits of VSPECT® will help ensure you are maximizing your benefits when using this technology. In this article, we’ll explore this topic to provide you with a better measurement experience. Why do Campbell Scientific monitoring platforms give me extra vibrating wire data? Have you ever... 続きを読む

Use VSPECT® to Verify: Bad Sensors or Bad Data?

著者: Jacqalyn Maughan | 最終更新日: 04/06/2023 | コメント: 0

use vspect<sup>®</sup> to verify: bad sensors or bad data?

Have you ever thought your bad vibrating wire sensor measurements were caused by erratic or erroneous data? You may be surprised to learn that data issues may not be the cause. If you are using a data-acquisition system other than one of the Campbell Scientific... 続きを読む

How to Obtain Vibrating Wire Measurements in Environments with High Electromagnetic Noise

著者: Timothy Jeppsen | 最終更新日: 10/07/2020 | コメント: 0

how to obtain vibrating wire measurements in environments with high electromagnetic noise

In 1997, I had my first introduction to using vibrating wire piezometers to measure groundwater fluctuations. A large engineering firm was monitoring water level to ensure that construction of a large pipeline through the San Bernardino Mountains was not intruding on the groundwater. I was... 続きを読む

Why Should You Use a Vibrating Wire Data Logger?

著者: Robin Deissinger | 最終更新日: 02/14/2018 | コメント: 0

why should you use a vibrating wire data logger?

In this short interview, Josh Brown, Market Product Manager of the Infrastructure Group, shares some of the benefits of using a vibrating wire data logger, such as the CRVW3 3-Channel Vibrating Wire Datalogger. Josh was interviewed by Robin Deissinger, the blog editor. Interview Q&A What is... 続きを読む
