Hydro-Link™ は、Campbell Scientific CR300 または CR310 データロガーでシステム構成やサイト サービス アクティビティを実行するための、無料で使いやすいインターフェイスです。
Hydro-Link インターフェイスは、シンプルで使い慣れたメニュー選択を使用してデータロガーを構成する簡単な方法を提供します。設定オプションが完了したら、それをデータロガーに適用すると、定義されたアプリケーションを実行するための CRBASIC プログラムが自動的に作成されます。また、メニューの選択に基づいて、ユーザーの現場サービス活動を支援するために、アプリケーション用のカスタムダッシュボードが生成されます。
このツールは、水道市場のニーズを満たすために開発されましたが、他の多くのアプリケーションでも簡単に使用できます。このインターフェイスにより、データロガー、センサ、通信デバイスなど、ステーションのさまざまなコンポーネントを簡単にセットアップできます。さらに、Hydro-Link を使用して、アラーム条件を設定し、アラームが発生したときに実行するアクションを指定します。
続きを読むHydro-Link は、データロガーに直接接続された PC で簡単に使用できます。Hydro-Link インターフェイスは、Wi-Fi オプションを備えたデータロガーにワイヤレスで接続することもできます。Wi-Fi 接続を使用する場合は、スマートフォンやタブレットを使用してインターフェイスを実行することもできます。IP 接続を備えたデータロガー (CR310 など) も、インターフェイスを直接ホストできます。
他の関連製品と比較して、センサライブラリが削減されているため、間違ったセンサを選択する可能性が制限されます。ただし、汎用センサオプションを使用すると、ほぼすべてのセンサタイプを Hydro-Link で使用できます。これには、アナログセンサ、デジタルセンサ、スマート SDI-12 センサが含まれます。
現在のバージョン | 2.02 |
オペレーティング システム | Windows 11 または 10 (64 ビット オペレーティング システムのみがサポートされます。) |
Hydro-Link is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from the datalogger. Currently this is only used on the CR300-series dataloggers. Normally, when Hydro-Link is loaded onto and run directly from a CR300-series datalogger, the datalogger would have the Wi-Fi option or a CR310 with Ethernet. When running Hydro-Link from the datalogger, smartphones and tablets can also be used to display the interface.
Hydro-Link (German Version) is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from the datalogger. Currently this is only used on the CR300-series dataloggers. Normally, when Hydro-Link is loaded onto and run directly from a CR300-series datalogger, the datalogger would have the Wi-Fi option or a CR310 with Ethernet. When running Hydro-Link from the datalogger, smartphones and tablets can also be used to display the interface.
Hydro-Link is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from the datalogger. Currently this is only used on the CR300-series dataloggers. Normally, when Hydro-Link is loaded onto and run directly from a CR300-series datalogger, the datalogger would have the Wi-Fi option or a CR310 with Ethernet. When running Hydro-Link from the datalogger, smartphones and tablets can also be used to display the interface.
Follow the Hydro-Link Installation Guide to install from the zip file.
Hydro-Link (German Version) is a browser-based user interface that can be run from a PC or directly from the datalogger. Currently this is only used on the CR300-series dataloggers. Normally, when Hydro-Link is loaded onto and run directly from a CR300-series datalogger, the datalogger would have the Wi-Fi option or a CR310 with Ethernet. When running Hydro-Link from the datalogger, smartphones and tablets can also be used to display the interface.
Follow the Hydro-Link Installation Guide to install from the zip file.
Hydro-Linkに関するよくある質問の数: 6
Yes, but only as needed. At this point, the generic sensor options should cover all the needs, and they are very easy to use. This list was intentionally kept small to reduce complexity and still provide full functionality. However, there are some sensors that may require some special handling, so a new entry may be added for that sensor if there is a demand. Non-compliant SDI-12 sensors are an example that may be added to the list.
Yes. If the sensor is compatible with the hardware, it can be used with this interface by using one of the generic sensor input options.
Yes, this interface was originally developed for the water market but was not developed to only handle that market's applications. For example, customers have used it for MET applications.
The CR300 must have the Wi-Fi option built in. With the Hydro-Link interface already applied to the data logger, all the web pages of the interface reside on the logger. Now the CR300-series datalogger with the Wi-Fi option will host the interface web pages to any device that has Wi-Fi capabilities, including smartphones. On the smartphone, under the settings for the Wi-Fi, connect to the CR300. After the connection is made, open the browser and enter the IP address, normally
Hydro-Link is an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) for generating programs for the CR300 and CR310 dataloggers. The program is built based on the user's application and also dynamically generates tools for the application that are added to the dashboard and normally used on site service visits.
Short Cut has been in use for several years and has been a helpful tool for program generation. As such, it has been updated over the years to provide functionality that is not yet in Hydro-Link. However, Hydro-Link has its own advantages, such as the following:
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