私たちの経験豊富なアプリケーション エンジニア チームが必要な測定に特化した監視システムの構築をお手伝いしますので、簡単に実現できます。
Campbell Scientificでは、お客様のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズしたトレーニングコースをご用意しています。私たちのエンジニアによる実践的なトレーニングは、お客様のシステムが現在、そして将来にわたって必要なサイトコンディションデータを確実に提供するのに役立ちます。
鉱業に関するよくある質問の数: 6
Yes. Campbell Scientific monitoring systems have a wide operating range, as low as -55°C and up to +85°C.
Almost any sensor type can be measured by a Campbell Scientific monitoring system due to our open architecture and flexible design: voltage output, vibrating-wire, resistive, digital, and more.
Yes. The monitoring system needs to be connected to the sensor wires, but small-scale/low-cost monitoring systems make it cost effective to put systems on single sensors.
No. For example, a typical geotechnical monitoring system that reads up to 16 geotechnical sensors can be powered year-round by a battery about the size of a motorcycle battery along with a 20-watt solar panel.
Campbell Scientific monitoring systems can communicate with a PC using several different methods, including cell modems, Wi-Fi, satellite, and radio. One common method is to use Campbell Scientific’s spread-spectrum radios to transmit the data over tens of kilometers back to a server. The monitoring stations can act as repeaters to repeat the data stream to easily overcome long distances or line-of-sight obstructions.
Yes. Satellite modems are often used to provide communications when other services are available.
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