

3824 Jet Drive
Rapid City, SD 57703

Phone: 605.394.6400


The RESPEC instrumentation team uses Campbell Scientific equipment across a wide range of monitoring and control applications. We’ve installed weather stations on volcanoes, monitoring systems in caves, creep-closure detection in mines, custom extensometers and early-warning alarm systems near sinkholes, strain gages on steep granite faces, and tiltmeters in swamps where airboats provide the only access. We designed heater-control systems for long-term waste-disposal and high-temperature rock-melt experiments. If there isn’t a system available, we’ll create one.

Our team has SPRAT rope certifications, security clearances, professional engineering licenses, OSHA and MSHA 40-hour training certificates, and passports for access to the most remote and hard-to-reach locations on the planet. We create custom systems in the fields of geotechnical monitoring, mine services, environmental monitoring, agricultural monitoring, irrigation automation, and more. We can bring the data back in real time, for viewing or downloading, using our online data management, reporting, and visualization services. We not only install systems, our engineers, modelers, and GIS specialists can also analyze, evaluate, and interpret the data, providing professional, knowledgeable answers.


All US States


Agriculture and Soils Research Instrumentation
Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) and Meteorologic Instruments
Evapotranspiration and Commercial Irrigation Instrumentation
Pavement and Roads
Slope Stability
Surface Water Monitoring Instrumentation
Water Quality

Certified Campbell Scientific Partner


South Dakota: Canal-Based Irrigation System
The semiarid region just north of the Black Hills in western South Dakota has vast stretches of tablelands with agricultural......続きを読む
New Mexico: Cavern Collapse Alarm
RESPEC, a water-resources consulting and services firm, is currently under contract to operate and maintain an early-warning alarm system over......続きを読む
Colombia: Geothermal Development
In 2013, RESPEC and the Dewhurst Group began collaborating on the Nevado del Ruiz geothermal development project in Colombia for......続きを読む
Wyoming: Landslide Warning
Recent loss of life from large landslides in the United States (such as those in Oso, Washington; and Salt Creek,......続きを読む
South Dakota: Rock-Melt Monitoring
America currently has an estimated 75,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel housed at dozens of locations across the nation that......続きを読む
Louisiana: Sinkhole Monitoring
In August 2012, RESPEC was contracted to provide field instrumentation and early-warning monitoring services at a developing sinkhole on the......続きを読む
Florida: Road-Base Monitoring
Everglades National Park is the largest tropical wilderness in the United States and was created to protect the fragile ecosystem......続きを読む
Wyoming: Vibrating Wire Technology for Dam Monitoring
Located beneath a steep canyon near Douglas, Wyoming sits LaPrele Dam, privately owned by LaPrele Irrigation District. Completed in 1909,......続きを読む
Louisiana: Slope Stability Monitoring
In 2013, a sinkhole appeared next to a historic home in southern Louisiana. Over the next few months, the sinkhole......続きを読む
South Dakota: Rock Stability in Large Underground Excavation
The Homestake Neutrino Experiment—also referred to as the “Davis Experiment” after physicist Ray Davis, who shared the Nobel Prize in......続きを読む